Party animals

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" Cmon Michael you're even slower then my grand mother." I complained to him. Me him calum Luke were setting up the chairs for Alyssa's surprise party. It was her birthday and she was turning 19. The fact that Ashton came home early made it a million times better cause I knew she wouldn't enjoy it as much.
" ugh just give me." I snatch "accidentally" hitting him with the chair.
After about another hour we finish decorating and I go pick up the cake.
" I need this place to stay clean okay guys? So just sit on the couch and play video games." I say to them like they are five. I had to or they would have destroyed the place without even knowing it. I was about to walk out the door before I wondered.
" hey guys one of you taught the routine to Ashton right?"
" yes Maria he's a quick learner. I think he has it better then I do. "
Thank god. I need this present to go right.
I was awake but kept my eyes closed not wanting to wake up. Today was my birthday which meant, all the attention was one me. Part of me was hoping everyone would forget, but another part wanted them to remember just not put the attention on me. I knew Maria would defiantly remember my birthday and over blow it, I just hope she doesn't do it in public like last year. Ashton wasn't anywhere to be found. I looked at my phone.
It's time to face the day. I wake up do what I have to do In The bathroom, followed by throwing up. I brush my teeth again then make my way down stairs. I smell something burning. Oh no.
I border line run to the kitchen to see Ashton cooking- burning pancakes. I laugh as he desperately tries to flip the pancake. He's got powder everywhere, the counter, the floor, even in his hair. How do you get powder in your hair? I can smell the sugar in the pancakes burning. He knows I love anything drenched in sugar so he poured a bunch in there. He has a bowl of it sitting next to the counter and I just want to Take a spoon and eat it like that.
" oh cmon please don't do this to me stove not today of all days - FUCK !" He says. I saw him burn himself so I ran up to him. He's shaking his hand and holding it in pain.
" babe cmon run it under cold water. "
I hold his hand in the kitchen sink under cold water until I see the pain on his face relax
" baby girl where would I be without you?"
" probably still skating in the little park where I met you in the first place. " I say smiling.
I turn off the stove and throw the burnt pancake away. I turn to him and he looks defeated.
" babe what's wrong?"
" I can't even make a simple pancake for you on your birthday."
Awe poor baby. I look at the bowl of sugar and have an idea. His lips were wet, he licks them when he's nervous. I lick my thumb, place it in the sugar, and spread it on his lips. He looks confused but didn't move. I smile a bit and pull him into a kiss. I lick the sugar off of my lips and he smiles.
" hmm that tasted better then a pancake. "
" babe we're just going to go to friendlies instead. It's better then burning the house down."
We go get dressed and get in the car.
" ash, could you not be like Luke and actually drive the speed limit? I swear he drives like there's a glass of water on. His hood that he dosent want to spill." He laughs and drives slow on purpose. Oh great."
" princess you just went to the bathroom before we left."
" yea I know I know but I have to pee again. Blame my little monster. "
I get up to use the bathroom and I see a little girl trying to reach for the soap and the water to wash her hands.
" hey do you need help?"
She looks at me and nods her head yes. I prop my knee up so she can sit on it and I lift her as she washes her hands. When she's done I turn off the water and set her down. I grab a paper towel for her and give her it while I wash my hands. I turn off the water and she's standing behind me and hands me another paper towel. I smile and thank her. She had to be like 3 or 4.
" my mommy said to be nice to people that are nice to me." She says stumbling on her words a bit.
" Your mommy is right."
She smiles and we walk out of the bathroom. She asks me if I wanted to meet her mommy with the biggest smile on her face so I could say no. I look at Ashton and he just smiles back it me.
" mommy mommy this is my friend."
I shyly smile at the little girls family. Her mom looks down at her and smiles shaking her head.
" hi nice to meet you. I'm Maggie."
" alyssa." I say shaking her hand.
" sweet heart did you tell her your name?"
" oh yeah, my name Rosie."
I smile and she hugs me and I say good bye. I can hear her telling her mom how I helped her in the bathroom. Little kids are so adorable, and always so happy, never having a care in the world. I sit across Ashton and he's just smiling at me.
" oh shut up."
" I love you too." He smiles. Then the waitress comes.
" Babe you want ice cream?" Ashton asks me.
" definitely." I say a little too excited. After about 10 minutes I can see people gathering in the kitchen. They all start clapping. Oh great here we go.
" friendlies has a birthday song,
It's not too short and its not too long." He can't be serious.
He's taking pictures of me laughing like mad. This is why I don't like my birthday.
After they are done they leave and I just glare at Ashton.
" happy birthday?" He says more as a question trying his hardest not to laugh.
" I'm 19 not 9." I scold him.
We finish our ice cream and head home.
" are you just going to ignore me?" He asks half sad half playful.
Okay fine maybe I wasn't really mad at him put I wasn't going to let him know that. We get to the house it was only like 12. I sat in his room and watched tv. He walks in with a box. It was wrapped in wrapping paper and had a bow on top. I could tell he did it himself cause he used like 1000 pieces of tape to try to make it look right. He places it on the bed and stands back in the door way. He motions for me to open it so I reach for it. I open it and it's a red bandana with a matching red and black band shirt that I've been wanting forever. I could never find it I. The store no matter how many I looked in. I look at him and she smirked at me. I gave in.
" oh my god babe I love it thank you so much." I say as I run up to him wrapping him in a hug.
" there's one more, check under the bed."
I peck his lips and and attempt to bend down.
" umm a little help. "
" shit sorry babe I'm such an idiot close your eyes. "
I close my eyes while he takes what ever it is out from under the bed.
" open."
I open my eyes and he's holding a skate board with a bow on it. I giggle a bit remembering the day he first tried to teach me how to skate. Take the board and thank him.
" happy birthday princess."
" thanks babe but this is too much." Before he could say anything. I heard the door bell ring. I go downstairs to see who it was. It was two wrapped presents but no one was there. They both had writing on them so. Picked them up to see what it said. One said mom and the other said dad. I freeze and almost drop them. I took them inside and put them on the coffee table and stare at them. My wrist start to itch so I scratch my arm. Ash comes behind me and rubs my back knowing I'm upset. The fact that My mother gave me a gift is what fucked me up the most.
" you can open them later if you like. "
" I'll open my fathers now, then my mothers later." I grab my fathers present and begin to rip it open. It was a small rectangle. Ashton watched me cautiously waiting in case I breakdown. It's a picture frame. It was two babies in a bathtub all covered in soap. I open it and read the words on the back.
" you are on the right Jennifer is on the left."
It was me and my sister. I was crying but smiling at the same time. I loved this picture.
" babe?"
" this is her." I say to Ashton pointing a Jennifer.
" your sister?" I nod and he hugs me.
" you guys look like twins." "
Maybe we were twins.
" You think she'll like it?" I ask Luke as I straddle him looking down at my phone.
" she will love it." He says resting his forehead on mine trying to see what I was doing on my phone. I click it off and look at him.
" how do you know?" I whine pouting second guessing myself.
" because she loves you and you love her so no matter what she will love anything you do."
Ugh he always knows what to say to make me feel better. I smile and kiss him. He kisses me back and pulls me in tighter till the space between us is gone. His hands found a way under my shirt and mine found their way to his hair. Bent one hand down and tug at the ends of his shirt. He knows what I want. He takes his shirt off and flips me so my back is on the couch and he's hovering over me. He starts to unbutton my flannel and gets frustrated with all the buttons.
" I thought I told you not to wear these to just walk around at home. It takes too long to take it off. "
" sorry." I mumble in between kisses. He finally undos the last few buttons and opens the flannel exposing my black lace bra. It was his favorite. He couldn't control himself when I had it on so I sometimes wore it to get him going.
" bad girl." He says while kissing my neck earning a moan from me. He started to undo his belt till the front door opened.
" Maria I wanted to talk to you about- well damn I guess we will just comeback later then. " I was Larry and they saw Luke shirtless sitting up undoing his belt. They must have startled him cause he fell to the floor. My idiot. I quickly cover my self with my flannel and sit up.
" what's up Larry?" I nervously laugh.
" Luke's dick, anyway I wanted to talk to you about alyssa birthday present."
" that will be perfect, I bet she will love it."
They leave and Luke drags me upstairs then plops me down on the bed and starts to kiss me.
" now where did we leave off? " he questions me. Complete torture.
" oh wait I think I remember." Before anything else was said he undid both mine and his pants and basically threw them anywhere. He looked at me in admiration. I was wearing the full black lace set that drive him crazy. He smirked at me and kissed me again.
" naughty child." He breathes down my neck.
" no-I'm -I'm a good child." I mumble I between kisses .
" good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught."
Damn he was so hot right now. He tugged at his boxers and I'm going to leave it at that.
" cmon Lyss lets go to marias house." I say okay and me and Ashton drive to her house. I knock on the door and when she opened it its all dark.
" hey Maria."
" hey babe."
She closes the door and the lights come on and people jump out from everywhere screaming ' surprise!" They almost scared the baby out of me.
" really Maria."
" yes really." She laughs hugging me and kissing me in the cheek. You gotta love her.
" well what are we waiting for. Let's do this thing."
11:00 pm
" Lyss I've got something for you." Maria says. I turn to the wall and see a picture of me and her. It was the first picture we ever too together. Then another then another. These pictures brought back so many memories. I even started to cry. The slide show ended with us at graduation. I thank her giving her a hug.
" okay guys I want to introduce some friends of mine but I need everyone to be cool cmon out guys."
Louis and Harry come into the room and I can hear some of the girls start to quietly freak out. Louis takes the mic but he's too close to the speaker so it screeches.
" oops, hi ( see what I did there ) guys a little birdie told us that this was the birthday girl favorite song so we decided to sing it for her.
Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me."
Ashton comes up behind me and wraps me in a hug.
" did you plan this?"
" nope but I wish I did." Louis and Harry take turns singing and look at each other from time to time smiling. And people said Larry wouldn't happen.
" you can't go to bed without a cup of tea, maybe that's the reason you talk in your sleep." Louis sings looking at Harry while he blushes. Everyone knows Harry talks in his sleep hint hint. They are so cute. When they finish I give them bith a hug and they wish me happy birthday.
" princess I'll be right back okay?"
I nod okay and ash disappears into the crowd.
" okay guys last but defiantly not least we have one more surprise for the birthday girl, it took a lot of begging but we finally got it done, Lyss sit in this chair."
I go sit In The chair in the middle of the floor. Oh please not another song I do t think I can take it.
A song that I know too well starts to play.
" Lyss babe say hello to your very own male stripper." She says pointing to Ashton as he walked out dressed completely different, like he just walked out of magic mike. I was going to enjoy every bit of this.
The party was over and we were helping Maria clean up the house.
" when did you plan the whole stripper thing?"
" well at first I was going to have calum do it since Luke's mine and I didn't really think you would want Michael doing it but when ash told me he was coming home I decided to have calum teach him it so you would enjoy it more. Did you?"
" every last second.
Pony by genuine is the song that came on look it up

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