The truth will set you free

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I quietly came to see alyssa in the hospital today. I stayed outside so she couldn't see me but I could see everything. when I came here it was just for Luke cause let's face it, he's a fucking God,but then I saw another boy, a little older, brownish long hair and a great body. hmm maybe I'll change things up a bit and go for Ashton instead. Don't get me wrong I'm still getting some of Luke but now my priority is Ashton, even if he does have a girlfriend.
" babe who is it?" Alyssa says from under my arm
" It's my mom. Don't worry it will be quick ten minutes tops."
I get up from the couch and answer the phone in the kitchen.
" Hi mom."
" Ashton honey I have some news for you. The person you're meeting isn't going to be here for another week In a half so we pushed you're flight back another week. is that going to work for you?"
" Really mom?! That works perfectly thank you. wait mom," I'm whispering now ," can you tell me why in going down there? I had to lie to my girlfriend and tell her about some business trip but I really want to know."
" In time sweet heart in time. "
I say okay and hang up the phone. This is great I have another week. I practically run to the couch, pull her off and kiss her.
" Well hi to you too. " she giggles. Ugh she's so adorable when she laughs. i could listen to her laugh all day.
" oh my god princess you're going to love this. my mother pushed my flight back another week so im not leaving tomorrow. "
her eyes light up with excitement.
" really ?! great because i really don't think i would have been able to contain my heart attack tomorrow anyway. "
after out little moment we finish the movie and she falls asleep on me. My little angel.
" bubble bubble bubble guppies guppies guppies x2
bubble, BUBBLE guppies GUPPIES bubble guppies." i shout along with the show. I have the heart of a child.
" dude what the actual fuck are you singing?" I hear Michael laugh as he walks through my front door.
" oh shut up i was waiting for you. what do you have to tell me?" he told me that he was coming over to tell me something that he's doing.
" its about Ashton's girlfriend." oh boy what did he do now ?
" You did what?! are you fucking crazy?! if he finds out about this its going to ruin everything me you and luke have worked on. You knew how hard it was to keep what we were working on a secret and to keep us knowing luke a secret. whats wrong with you? you knew we needed him to make this happen. you better pray to the gods that he never finds out about this okay becaue without him out whole plan is ruined."
he makes a noise of disgust.
" See i knew you wouldnt understand. "
" understand what michael? "
" Thats i love her. you wouldnt understand because you have never fell in love before. "
i want to punch him. he knows nothing about my love life.
" yes i have been in love before so dont even play that bull shit on me. and this what youre doing isnt love its insane."
" oh really? little calum fell in love once? yea right i dont believe it. with who then?"
" dont test me michael."
"tell me."
" No."
" stop being a bitch and just tell me. "
" it was you! i fell inlove with you but you were too blind to fucking see it. you were everything to me but no you just went around fucking everything that tried to get with you. you never saw the way my eyes light up when ever you were around and you never noticed when i cried because i knew you would never feel the same. so yes i do know what love is. "
he said nothing in return. he just stands there with this shocked look on his face.
" Calum I'm sorry i didnt know- what ever it doesn't matter now. I'm not gay. "i cut him off.
he walks out of my house without another word.
i talked to calum on the phone and we worked things out so were cool now. im still a little upset because he told me that i didnt really love her because i do. i truly do. thats right i do love her and no one is going to take her from me not even ashton, and if it ruins out plan then fine they can figure it out.
Alyssa wants all of us to chill after she gets out of work. she changed to an earlier shift so she gets out around four. It's going to be me Luke calum Maria and she even invited that Taylor girl. speaking of her she was the first one here. it was just me and her. she was a little too touchy. I swear she would inch closer to me while we're watching tv waiting for the others. She links arms with me and I don't like it but I don't want to be rude and I just leave her be. Lyss would probably flip but it's okay. she starts to play with my hair and now it's getting really uncomfortable.
" Umm sorry I don't like people playing with my hair. I'm not trying to be mean but could you not please?"
She smirks and takes her hands away
" Hey Taylor what are you doing here so early?"
" I'm sorry I can't stay I just wanted to come over to see you and say what's up. I have to go bye."
She hugs me then gives Ashton a little more then a friendly hug. no sweet heart that doesn't work for me. She hugs him tight till I clear my throat and she finally lets go.
" jealous?" Ashton asks with a smirk on his face.
" You wish."i say then playfully push him.
I don't get jealous. jealousy isn't in my vocabulary.
about an hour later everyone else shows up and we all hang out and have fun. probably the most I've smiled , really smiled, in years. ashton dosent look happy though. he looks more hurt. he was fine in the beginning but now he seems upset. every now an then i could see his eyes tearing up. did i do something? were all play fighting and i didn't notice my sleeves started to roll up. maria nudged me in my arm and looked at sleeve and quickly looked away. it was her way of telling me that i needed to fix my sleeve. part of me wanted to pull it down and keep on but another part of me just wanted to roll them up and show everyone. show them who i really am. show them the monster i am. i wanted them to see that everything was a lie, the fake smiles, the pretend laughs, the "I'm fine" everything. i wanted to show them the demons that i hide and that they should be scared of me.i wanted them to know that i fucking hate my life and everything in it. they deserve to know that i don't deserve them and that they sure as hell deserve a better friend / girlfriend then me. i just wanted to spill all of my feelings so that i could feel better. but no, i just pulled my sleeve down and carried on. who am i kidding? i just made friends with them and my scars would just scare them away. so i bottle up everything inside so it dosent hurt anyone, besides me.
its about 10:00 and they all know that i would like to spend time with ash. maria and luke walk out the door holding hands and lips locked the whole time while calum third wheeled behind them.
" you guys are lucky. they are my ride home." i smile give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek and close the door behind him. i turn around to see ashton in tears again.
" baby whats the matter? you've been tearing up all day what happened?" i question him in a soft voice.
he said nothing. instead he wiped a single tear, grabbed my hand and dragged me to his bedroom. when we get there he locks the door and demands that i sit on the bed.
" you know all you had to do was ask." i smirk at him
" that not the reason i brought you up here." he barley chokes out in a whisper.
wow talk about rejection.
" okay so the why am i here did i do something wrong? why are you crying?" i question him.
he just looks in the mirror sobbing with red puffy eyes.
" baby please you're scaring me."
he finally turns around.
" is it true? please tell me it isn't true." be whispers
what is he talking about? did me find out about Michael?" oh no. this can't be happening. He will never believe me. I'm so screwed. i play it like i don't know what he's talking about.
" is what true? baby please what are you talking about?"
he walks over to me and sits beside me on the bed. he looks i to my eyes at first then grabs my hands. he uses one hand to hold mine and the other to attempt to lift my sleeve. i flinch and move my hands away.
" ash what are you doing?" i say in a worried voice
" alyssa please stop fighting me just stop." he cries
i slowly give him back my arm and he rolls up my sleeve. i can hear him gasp in shock. he looks at me and i can see the tears rolling down his face. i start to cry. fuck, he figured it out. this will defiantly ruin us. i snatch my hands away roll down my sleeve get up and walk to the other side of the room. I'm facing the wall with my back towards him and my head down.
" don't worry ill grab my stuff and be gone by morning. " i finally croak.
" Why?" he simply whispers.
" because you don't want me anymore. you think I'm weird. you think I'm stupid for hurting myself. you don't want some one like me."
" yes i do. i want you more than anything. why would you even say that?"
" Because no guy wants to date a girl with scars."
he walks up behind me and wraps me in a hug. i start to cry even more. he turns me around and wipes the tears from my face. he plants a light kiss on my lips and we walk back to the bed.
" its okay baby were going to get through this okay? together. you don't have to explain anything to me right now if you don't ant to but i want to talk about this soon."
i nod my head okay. ugh I'm so fucking stupid. i shouldn't be here. i should be six feet deep in dirt. i stand up and face him.
" Baby?"
" it wasn't just my arm." i lift my shirt to right above my belly button and show him the ones on my stomach. he goes ti feel them and i finch.
" its okay i just want to feel them. I'm not going to hurt you."
" be careful," i warn him," some of thinner fresh and will re-open if you push too hard."
he nods okay and lightly brushes his hand over my stomach. he's only seen my stomach once and they weren't there then. these are brand new.
" Princess why would you do this to your self? why would you hurt yourself like this? this isn't okay baby girl please."
" its nothing," i say pulling my shirt down," I'm fine just leave it alone."
" you're fine? you're fine?! how can you say you're fine alyssa?! this, what you're doing to yourself isn't fine, it isn't okay. "
" you're bugging for no reason. i said it was nothing now just drop it. why are you worrying now? you never noticed before. you would have never known if i did slip up and let my sleeve roll up. just forget it. i never should have told you."
" What are you trying to say? are you saying that i don't care about you?"
" how do you want me to forget it, to leave something like this alone, to not worry about you?"
" because its none of your concern."
" alyssa please. don't push me away, don't shut me out, don't shut down on me, let me help you."
" i don't need help. I'm fine."
" yes you do alyssa! you need help. please let me help you. i can't sit any watch my girlfriend do this to her self, i can't watch you hurt your self like this. i swear I'm going to kill whoever did this to you. please i can't sit at watch."
i feel nothing. no pain. no anger. not even life itself. nothing. i was numb. numb to the point that you could place my hand on a hot stove and i wouldn't even feel the heat.
" Then don't."
" what?"
" just break up with me. Leave me. make it easier for your self and just go."
" no you mea too much to me. Just please let me help you. together we can find a way to get through this."
" i already did."
before he could say anything i bolted to the bathroom and locked the door. i sat against the door and cried into my hands as he banged on the door screaming at me to open it. i raided his bathroom and found the perfect sized blade. i unwrapped it and sterilized it with rubbing alcohol. one here, three there, four here, another two there. i cut and cut till my skin was barley visible. i was covered in my own blood. i was feeling dizzy. i took all the strength i had left and raised the blade to my throat. before i could drag it across and end this mess forever asthenia burs through the door took the blade and threw it across the room. i could faint hear him screaming at me. my eye lids became heavy as i began to fall out. by the time he gets me to the hospital it will hopefully be too late. i would have bled out and died. i whisper an I'm sorry and pass out awaiting death.


hey guysssssssss whats upppppp. anyway threw in a little dark chapter cause i haven't wrote one in a while so i thought hey why the hell not. anywayyyyyyy

FUCKING MALUM MOMENT OMGGGGGGG I CANT BREATHE. but yea i had to choose either mike or an ex but i thought michael would be more dramatic. what did you guys think? too dark, not dark enough, pointless in general? tell me what cha think cause i could really use some help in making this book decent. anyway its like 3:00 in the morning and i should be asleep but the brain was like " nope you're going to write 3/4 of a whole chapter weather you like it or not," so yea here i am. anyway i kinda used my dads mac book while he sleeps because i hate my i pad and its just fun to break the rules. Note to self; never give daughter password to computer. any way bye guys tell me what you think.




Queen Sassy~😈✨💞💦

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