My hero

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I hear my alarm clock go off and I groan. I press the snooze button and lay in my bed for a minute or two. As I'm about to get up my mother opened my bedroom door and walked in. "Why the fuck are you up so early? School is over remember dumb ass? Surprisingly you graduated yesterday." She says with anger I her eyes. It's not even 5:10 in the morning and she's already starting with this bull shit. She hates me and I don't know why. I haven't done anything to her but love her. I have loved her all my life but t she has hated me forever. There are so many things I want to say to her right now but before I could say anything she started for the door.
"And turn that fucking alarm clock off." Before she could leave I yell out ,"MOM!"
" What do you want ," she turns to me. " I - I - ..." I trail off. "well? I'm waiting." I shake my head signaling for her to never mind. She turns and walks out of my room to get ready for work. When she leaves my dad walk in to see me staring into my lap. " I love you..." I whisper. " it's okay baby girl. don't mind her just go back to sleep." my dad whispered in my ear. "I can't daddy I try to love her but she just hates me." I can barley talk, I can feel my throat start to burn and the tears beg to fall. He slides his hands down my arm in attempt to hold mine. in wince in pain when he reaches my wrist. I try to hide it but he hears it and he sighs in disappointment. "Baby girl please tell me you haven't done it again." The tears start to rush down my face and I put my head in my hands. " Where is it?" He sighs. " it's in my pillow case, the black one." He reaches behind me and grabs my pillow. He takes out one blade, then Another , and another until all five are out. he looks back at me then looks at my sleeve. I lift up my sleeve to reveal my battle scars. my arms look like I have been in a fight with a lion. although a lion sounds scary I would rather battle a lion everyday for the rest of my life then live one day in my own. I feel a cold tear drop on my arm. I snap out of my daze to see my father in tears. " Sweet heart I thought you made a promise that you would stop cutting." The tears are rushing down my face now for I know that I have let the only person that actually cares about me down. We hear the front door slam down stairs. " She's gone now my little flower. now get some rest I'm making your favorite for breakfast tomorrow." He says while stroking my hair and kissing my forehead . "Waffles?" I excitedly ask him. " Anything you want baby girl and don't worry I'll make sure to cut the into 4 just the way you like." I give him a smile and he walks out of my room and shuts the door.
Hours later
I wake up , shower ,brush my teeth and head down stairs. " Well good morning sleepy head. How's my big girl?" He says to me like in 3. " Good morning daddy. I'm a wittle tired." I say in my baby voice. we both laugh while he sets down a plate of waffles and some bacon. He knows that I eat bacon with just about everything and he knows that I get cranky if i don't eat my bacon. " Sweet heart don't you have to go to work today?" He questions me. " No I don't work Monday's or weekends. Wait today is Monday right?" I ask him. "Yes today is Monday. Well baby girl I have to get to work. I will see you later." he says while giving me a kiss on the forehead. " I love you dad", "I love you too sweet heart."
I finish my waffles and decide to go watch some Netflix. my phone starts to ring , I see that it's Luke so I answer it.
" Hey Alyssa . what's up?"
" Hey Luke. I'm watching Netflix. what are you doing?"... We talk for about 5 minutes and then he asks me if he could join me in watching Netflix.
"Sure why not. I need some one to laugh at when they get scared and scream."
"Hey I do not scream."
"Oh really. do you remember the last time we watched a scary movie? Oh my god Alyssa she's going to die shes going to die. AHHH ." I say mocking him.
"You know what I will be there in ten and we can really see who's scared."
"Your on see you in ten."

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