My world came crashing down

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" Ms. Can you hear me? Cmon wake up. Can you blink for me?" I faintly heard a lady say to me.
I could still hear the music coming from my headphones even though she took them out. I can hear hazzas foot steps running to me. What happened?
" oh my god alyssa are you okay please tell me you're okay I do not need Ashton trying to kill me."
I can't really move but I can here everything. I feel him sit me up straight and hugs me tight while my body regains feeling.
" alyssa please!"
"  I can't breath."
He looks at me with shock and relief.
" you're kind of choking me." I say with a weak laugh.
" dont you ever scare ME like that again you hear me? You almost gave me a heart attack."
I finally stand up and lean on the car trying to regain my balance. He's trying to help me.
" haz I got it. I'm fine. "
" we're taking you to the hospital."
" can we not right now I just want to go home and eat some ice cream."
" okay fine but tomorrow we are definitely taking you to the hospital."
We get to the car he takes me to Ashton's house. I give him a hug and literally when I got to his room I took off my shirt turn off the lights and plop on the bed. As soon as I was about to fall asleep my phone rings. It's Ashton.
" Ashton do you understand how late it is? It's like midnight over there and I'm really tired so what do you want?" I say a bit annoyed.
" are you okay?"
" yes okay?! I'm fucking perfectly fine, and I would feel so much better if people stopped asking me if I'm okay or if I cut my self again."
" I-uhh-babe- I'm sorry-I just -" he trails off.
Ugh I didn't mean it. I. So stupid.
" hey I'm sorry it's okay it's not your fault. I'm tired okay babe I'm gonna go to bed talk to you later sleep tight." He says an awkward good night then Hangs up.
Every one notices that alyssa is worse then ever before, even Ashton notices the changes. The only person that hasn't noticed is Is Mike. He stays in his house plotting to separate tyem two. Ashton tries to communicate with her but she just becomes more distant and he doesn't know why. When he called her and her emotions changed in a snap he could tell that something if not multiple things were wrong with her. He was determined to figure out what.
Since he had left she has been very easily angered and began to start to hate every one. Not so much hate but every little thing aggravated her. She felt pain in her stomach and all over without doing anything out of the ordinary. She started to get annoyed with her favorite things like pizza, cheese burgers, dancing, and even music. Her screams music started to hurt her ears and she didn't like it very much. She believe. That if she stopped eating so much she would lose weight but she couldn't stop. She would eat and eat and get thicker. She didn't know what else to do with her life. She needed help and the one person she needed that most was hundreds of thousands of miles away.
I woke up early but didn't really feel ,like getting out of bed. His bed seemed so comfortable like clouds. The sun peeked through the curtains so I rolled over and pulled his warm blanket up just under my eyes. I hugged the giant penguin Luke gave me, trying to fall back asleep but it was no use. My phone starts to ring and it's an unknown number.
" hello?" I say in a raspy morning voice.
" hey lyss it's hazza."
" oh hey haz what's up?"
" nothing I was just seeing if you were awake. I'm taking you to the hospital today."
Ugh I really don't want to go. It wasn't that severe of a hit.
" fine when?"
" now."
Oh that's great. Now I have to get out of bed and get dressed.
" okay fine when will you be here." I ask trying to see how much time I have to see if I can stay laying down for another few minutes.
" I already am."
Perfect. I say good bye then hang up.
" hazza I know you want to take me to the hospital but you're famous the second you walk in they are going to realize it's you and you will be mobbed. "
" that's why we're getting Luke. I'll wait in the car and you two will go in the hospital."
Well that didn't work.
We pick up Luke from Maria's house and head to the hospital.
"Don't worry. You will be fine I just want to make sure that you're okay." Harry says.
I wasn't afraid of hospitals. I wasn't afraid of the thought of needles being stabbed into my skin. It was a routine for me. It was normal. This little accident wasn't hospital worthy. You only go to the hospital if there's a chance of you dying or surgery that could kill you and I wasn't scared of that. I envied the people that die in the hospital and I'm pretty sure they envied people like me that no matter how hard I try to die I still manage to pull through. To be completely honest I'm that type of person that's more scared of life then death.
" we'll all your vital sings seem to be okay. No major internal bleeding which is always good. Just a few bruises and scratches. You might feel a bit sore but it's normal for a person in your condition." Says the nice doctor.
Me and Luke thank him and Luke looks relieved that nothing's really wrong with me.
" oh I almost forgot. Congratulations you two."
What did he just say. Did he just congratulate me on living?
" congratulations on what sir?" Me and Luke say simultaneously.
" on your baby of course. Seeing couples having a baby warms my heart."
" oh we're not a couple he's my best friend, my boy- wait did you just say baby?"
" yes ms.santos. You're pregnant."
Oh no this can't be happening.
" Alyssa you need to relax. Just calm down and sit I'll make you some hot chocolate." Luke tries to relax me.
" you want me to fucking relax. The doctor just told me that I'm having a baby and you want me to relax! I know nothing about raising a baby. "
" do you want me to call Maria and your friends so you can talk it out with them? I'm not good with this girl talk. I do t know how I'm going to handle it when me and Maria have kids."
" just Maria I need her right- wait you said WHEN you and Maria have kids not IF. Is there something I should know about?" I giggle.
" no but really I just need Maria. Don't tell anyone else, I don't want anyone else to know."
" why not?"
" because I just don't okay. "
He nods okay and I call mAria to come over. I start to look up the symptoms of being 2 months pregnant. Fatigue, frequent urination, food cravings, weight gain,morning sickness and mood swings. Well I've definitely have had mood swings. I haven't really had to Pee a lot lately or started throwing up but I have a feeling that it's will start soon.
" can you come over To Ashton's place? I've got something to tell you and it just can't wait." ( XD For my ptv fans )
"Sure babe I'll be there in 10." I say then get ready. I wonder what she wants to talk about?
I get dressed tell Larry I'll be back later to finish planing the head out. I'm a little worried cause she sounded worries and upset on the phone. Like she was about to cry.
I called her and told her I was down the street. When I showed up she held the door in tears, sat on the couch under the chandelier. ( XD )
" babe what's wrong? Who do I have to kill?"
She says nothing.
" baby girl please tell me. You're worrying me."
" I'm pregnant." She whispers while crying at the same time. Why was she crying? Being pregnant isn't bad. She should be a little excited. She's having a baby.
" omg really? I'm so happy for you. You're going to have a little Ashton or a little alyssa running around." I say trying to excite her. She cracked a small smile then immediately turned sad again. I try not to ask why she's upset and try to make her happy.
" I bet Ashton will be so excited when you tell him. "
" no no no we can't tell him."
" why not?" I ask confused,
" cause." She says in a low whisper.
" Cause what sweet heart? What's wrong?"
" Cause it might not be his."
" then who's might it be?" I ask very confused and nervous and scared.
" Michael."
she said then ran off.
I ran out of the house. I ran to my car and just drove. I ran off because I didn't want her to judge me. I knew she wouldn't believe me if I told her that it was Michael that raped me and that I didn't want it. I didn't want her to think I was a slut. Hours later I went back got dressed to go to work. I get there and just stand behind the desk. All day I just dazed out. My boss noticed and asked what was wrong. Oh nothing I just found out I'm pregnant, told. My best friend I was pregnant, the baby might not be my boyfriends, and on top of that Michael said he wants me at his house.
" oh nothing I'm fine. I'm just tired "
" do you want to go home for the rest of the day?"
I think about it for a second. Do I really want to be here or go home and do stuff i actually enjoy? Home it is.
" yea I'll be back tomorrow a few hours early."
" don't worry about it."
Wow he was so nice. I blasted my headphones to end up here by 5 seconds and he looks at me. He taps my shoulder and I take out one headphone.
" what song and band is that?" He asks me.
" End up here by 5 seconds."
" oh yea I've heard about them. They keep themselves very secret though it's like really hard to find pictures of them. Even at concerts they play behind a like a thin black curtain."
" yea they say because they just don't want all the famous stuff like they want to be able to go places without being mobbed by fan girls like me. They don't like all the attention they just like keeping people happy." They are like me. Just like to keep people happy but don't like attention. This is why I love them.
He laughs pats me on the shoulder and I walk to my car then drive...home.
I'm sitting in Ashton's room watching t.v. I occasionally look down at my stomach. I can't believe there's a baby in there. I smile a bit but then it drops quickly. I start to think of the possibility that it could be Michael's. I look at my stomach then look at his bathroom. I stare at it and bite my lip trying to decide. I turn the tv off and walk in there.
" two or three couldn't hurt right?" I say to myself. I promise my self I would only do three then go back to watching tv. I pick up my blade and make one, then two, then three. I put the blade down at three but I wasn't don't yet I kept telling myself two more but two became four then eight. By the time I was done my whole arm was covered. Even if I wanted to I couldn't cut anymore. There was no more space. I use a rag and wipe up the blood from the bathroom. It wouldn't stop bleeding. It sort of made me smile. No matter what I do it kept bleeding. I put a bit of pressure on it and start to feel dizzy I didn't have time for the other arm. I would pass out before I had time to start the other arm. I lifted the rag and it slowed down. I smiled a bit then passed out.
I wake up on his floor sigh then cleaned the place up. It was time for me to go to mikes house. I did t feel like going but I didn't want to lose my friends either. When I get over there I told him to be careful with me. He thought nothing of it and continued on what he wanted to do. We mostly made out with little grinding until we was done.
" what's wrong with you? You're more upset then usual and your belly seems a little round."
" I'm fine leave me alone."
" are you pregnant?" He finally asks after an awkward silence. I say nothing. Instead I just start to cry and walk out. Ugh he aggravates me so much.
" are you pregnant?" I asked her concerned.
She looks at me angry and then rushes out crying. What if she is pregnant, what if it's mine, what will Ashton say to me, even worse to her? Luke's girlfriend shows up like an hour later.
" what the hell is wrong with you?! " she comes in screaming. Wow these two are connected. I would have never guessed they were best friends.
" yea come in why don't you?"
" cmon Mike tell me what the hell happened? Do you know she's pregnant with what could be your baby?" She yells at me. I look down. I've ruined her life. That's when realization hit me. I've been trying to love her and show her I was a better choice but I've just made her life a living hell.
" I just-I-I just wanted to show her that I love her and that I could make her happy."
" what you did to her isn't the way to show her that you love her. What you have to understand is that if she doesn't like you in that way you can't try to force her to. If you really do love her you would let her be happy."
She's right. I have to. Ugh I'm so stupid. I should have let her alone and let her be. I have to make this right I know that the guilt is eating her alive. I have to do something. So I decide to call Ashton.
" hey ash we need to talk."

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