Maybe this is it

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BROOKE💖✨: you know youre going to have to tell him sooner or later right?

ME: tell who what?

i ask confused as im driving the both of us home. i offered to drive because he was still pretty jet leggedand really drained out from the flight.
" babe!" He screamed as I jolted up from my iphone and straightened out the steering wheels to get back in my lane.
" Ash relax I've got this. " I reassured him.
" you almost got us killed. My first day back and you already want to kill me?" He asks fake shocked trying to hold back his giggle. I playfully slap him and he kisses my cheek. We pull up to the house and start to unpack his bags from the car. Me trying to impress him picked up the heaviest suit case. He stood there and giggled while I struggled with the suitcase. I huffed and shoved the suitcase down.
" you know instead of just standing there and laughing you could help me. "
He shrugs and makes a face that says ' you asked for it ' and grabs me by my waist and pulls me in for a kiss. I smile a bit into the kiss and pulled away.
" okay I admit that was nice but the bags are still here so... Hate to break it to you but you didn't really help. Sorry sport. " I say and he smiles putting the suitcase back in the trunk.
" we can just leave these in here tonight and we can get them in the morning. " he pleads with tired eyes. I nod and he closes the trunk and we walk inside.
" holy crap these heels hurt." I complain as I kick them off. I admit they were amazing. Silver with rainbow rhinestones covering the entire shoe.
" I'm going to go change into something g more comfortable. " I say as we walk in our room. He lazily nods okay and I take what I wanted. I headed for the bathroom before he stopped me.
" why do you have to go in there and change? * yawn * you're not being self conscious around me again are you?"
I wasn't self conscious I just knew that he would see. My bump and ask me what it was. The dress wasn't too slimming so he couldn't but if I took it off it was definitely noticeable. I shake my head no, kiss him on the forehead, and head to the bathroom. I slip on some leggings and pull the dress over my head. I stared in the mirror looking at my black leggings and my matching black bando. I place my hand under my stomach and smile a bit, forgetting the world for a second, only thinking about the little person inside of me. I went for my phone to take a picture and see i got a text from Brooke a while ago.
BROOKE 💖✨: that you're pregnant.
My smile instantly dropped my eyes filled with tears. I wiped away the tears threatening to spill and pull one of Ashton's flannels over my body. I open the door and smile as I see Ashton leaning against the headboard of the bed with his head leaned on one hand half asleep. I accidentally slammed the door and Ashton jolted up looking for danger.
" what! What happened? Who's hu- I was looking for that shirt." He finally says when he spots me trying not to laugh as he panicked.
" you didn't really think I was going to let you leave with my favorite flannel did you?" I playfully question him as I climb into bed next to him. He slung his right arm over me while my arms wrapped around his torso. I squeezed him as tight as I could, longing to have him in my arms again, not knowing how long he will be there for. He did the same, his grip around my shoulders became tighter while he rubbed circles on my arm. About 5 minutes later his grip loosens and I can tell he's asleep. I check my phone go on Twitter for a while them go to my text messages. I read over Brooke's message and start to cry. She's right I have to tell him. I hate that it has to be this way. I just got him back and now I'm going to lose him. If I tell him I, pregnant I'll have to tell him that it might not be his. I carefully remove his hand from around me and place a lingering kiss on his forehead while the tears roll down my cheek. I wipe them and go in to the bathroom. I looked in the Mirror and let the tears fall. I took a dry erase marker ( don't ask I always have one somewhere ) and drew a big butter fly on the glass. I dropped the marker, leaned against the bathroom door and slide down till I hit the floor. I brought my knees to my chest and buried my head in between my knees. I pull at my hair in frustration and depression. I take the glass toothbrush holder from the sink and chuck it as hard as I could. " CRASH!" It broke into a million pieces. I screamed as loud as I could into my hands in frustration. I opened the medicine cabinet right over the sink and and grabbed them , the ones I bought from the store my mikes house. I didn't wait, i didn't hesitate, I unwrapped the blade and immediately started cutting. About 5 ( seconds of summer 😂) cuts in Ashton burst through the door fully awake. It took him a minute to take in what was happening. He snatched the blade out of my hand causing him to cut his hand and threw it across the room.
" give it back! " I screamed at him as I tried to retrieve the blade.
" Are you insane?! No I'm not giving you your blade back!" He screams back. He wraps his arms around me pining my arms to my body so I couldn't move to get my blade.
" Let go of me Ashton I want this, I need to do this! "
" Well i need you here with me,alive!"
I punched at his chest with all the energy I had left. He stayed solid, he wouldn't budge but I just kept punching him.
" no you don't!" I half scream hoping he didn't hear me as I punched him one last time, Arm sore.
" no one does." I softly whisper crying as I lay my head on his chest letting my blood stained arms fall to the floor.
He loosens his grip around me but is easy to tighten again if I show even the very thought of Going for the blade. He lifts my chin up begging me to look at him. I look at him and see him m wanting to cry.
" baby girl yes I do. I need you more then I need anything else. I love you, I'm sorry it took me so long to say it." He says with a sad smile.
" I love you too." I say back forcing a smile. I look down at my arm.
He takes notice of me wanting to cry again and tries to cheer me up.
" umm babe?"
" hmm?" I say looking up again.
" you do know that now you're going to smell like sweat and man right? I practically lived in that thing."
I laugh a bit looking down at the shirt. I pull the collar of the shirt up to my nose to smell it. It wasn't that bad I kind of liked his smell. Yea he's definitely not getting this back.
"  well it hasn't killed me yet." I say back to him. He laughs and places a light kiss on my lips.
" cmon , let's get you cleaned up."
" do you want to talk about it?" He asks as he wipes my arm one last time with a wet white now red rag.
I wanted to start crying again. I did t want to hurt him but I knew he wouldn't give up till I told him.
" insecurity." I lied to him.
" don't lie to me babe please. I can see right through it." He begs me.
Ugh I hate this. I have to tell him that I'm pregnant. Maybe I don't have to tell him that it's not his maybe I could tell him that I cut cause I'm having a baby and I know he dosent want it. I took a deep breath and looked down.
" I'm pregnant." I whisper trying not to cry.
" I'm going to be a father?" He asked not believing what I just said. I nod my head yes and he wraps me into a hug.
" oh my god this is going to be amazing. I'm so excited I'm going to be a father. I'm going to spoil my baby rotten. I'm going to give him or her every single toy they want even a pony. Babe where can we get a pony? I know my baby's going to want one so I want to be ready."
I laugh at his excitement, a pony ash really?
" see there's that beautiful smile I've been waiting for." He says as he calm down and sits back down beside me on the couch.
I look down again playing with the ends of the sleeve on now my flannel.
" is that why you cut yourself princess? Did you think I wouldn't want the baby? Baby girl of course I want this baby. If it a girl then she will be a little you, and then I'll have two of the girl that means everything to me and if it's a boy then you will have two of me and who doesn't want that. " he says getting cocky,
" the point is I want this baby."
" no you don't." I whisper getting sad again.
" what makes you think that?" He questions.
" how as your trip what did you do down there?" I ask half trying to change the subject half actually concerned because I didn't really believe he went down there for a business trip. He sighs and looks down.
" in time your find out but baby please tell me, why would t I want this baby?"
I hate lying to him, but I hate hurting him. I can't lie anymore I have to tell him.
" because... It might not be yours." I say in a very low whisper. He took his hands off of me and stood up.
" what?" He said. I can hear the trace of anger and disbelief in his voice. I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my face.
" you might not be the father. I'm sorry." I whisper the last part.
" look at me." He demanded.
I kept staring at the ground.
" Alyssa look at me!" He said now screaming.
I looked at him and could see the amount of anger hurt and disbelief displayed all over his face.
" who might be the father?" He spat.
I tear away from him and put my head in my hands. 
" Michael." I say Barley holding back the tears.
" My best friends?! Are you fucking kidding me!? Go ahead rip my heart out! Was this before or after we had sex?!"
" after." I couldn't bring my voice up past a whisper. He goes up to the room and slams the door. I hear him stomping back down the stairs with a bag of clothes.
" where are you going?"
" to Luke's house, or have you fucked that bestfriend too?" He spits with a anger heavy in his voice.
" Ashton please let me explain." I beg him as I gripped his wrist.
" explain what, why you thought it was okay to screw my best friend?!" He screams as he turns and raises both hands.
"No!" I shriek terrified. I raise my arms to cover my face awaiting for his fist to come down on me, but nothing. He didn't hit me instead I heard him gasp and whisper a disbelieving no under his breath. I lowered my hands slowly watching the tears roll down his face as he desperately tried to hold them back.
" baby I-" he stretches his arm to grab hold of me but I moved back in fear. I don't think I've ever been this scared of him.
" lyss please don't be scared of me. I didn't mean to scare you, I would never lay a hurtful hand on you. No matter how mad I get okay?" I hesitantly nod my head and allow him to grim my arms with his large hands.
" Ash please give me 5 minutes that all I ask please just let me explain then you can go to Luke's house and I will be gone by morning."
He nods okay and I begin to explain.
" okay so you remember when you picked me up from work with that hickey and I said it was probably yours, it was him he pinned me against the wall and forcefully kissed me."
I could already see the anger in his eyes and his fist clench up.
" I swear I'll fucking kill him!" He screams and heads for the door.
" No ash please don't it's late and you need to rest. Please."
" no I can't relax, not after knowing that he did this to you. Get in the car we are going to his house." We got in the car and sped to his house. Ashton pounded on the door till he opened it. Before he could even say hey Ashton punched him and he fell to the floor.
" Ashton no stop!" I shrieked as a ran I front of Ashton pushing him backward.
Michael was holding his face in pain but showed no anger he knew he deserved it, he knew Ashton found out.
" Fuck you mean no alyssa?! He raped you and you want me not to be mad?! He tried to steal you from me!"
" He changed! He knows he was wrong and it's over! We peaced it up already just please." I pleaded. I could feel his muscles relax while Michael stumbled to stand up. Damn this boy could throw hands.
" look Ashton I'm sorry, when I saw her at the skate park that day I fell In love with her, I didn't think you guys had anything going on until u asked me to play that song. Ever since then I have always let my anger get the best of me. I never meant for any of this to happen like this. I know that out friend ship is probably over but please it wasn't her fault."
Ashton stays quite. He sighs looks at the floor and looks back at him.
" that baby is mine, I don't give a fuck if Jesus himself told me no, it's mine."
Michael nodded and we walked back into the car.
" my doctor said that next week durning my check up if I bring you in she can determine who the father is." He just nods.
" do you love him?" He asks bluntly.
" what? No. I mean he's part of squad so as a friend yea I love him but not like that. I love you."
" are you sure? Don't lie to me." He ask desperately trying to not let the tears fall.
" Ash I'm sure okay? I love you and only you. Don't you ever doubt that." He nods and drives us home. When we get there I start to put things in a bag. He watches me while he pulls at his hair like he's debating. I'm still wearing his flannel so I go to the bathroom. I pull it off and smell it one last time. A few tears fall on the shirt but I wipe my face and walk out. I can't show him that it hurts. If he does love me and he wants to leave me I can't give him and signs that would make his second guess him self.
" here. " I say pushing the shirt towards him begging him to take it. I was pretty far away from him afraid that if I got any closer I would be able to control myself. He's just staring at me and it makes me a little mad.
" can you not make this any harder then it already is and just take it." 
He looked down at the flannel and placed his hand over it not quite grabbing it. He looks up at me throws the flannel on the bed and walks up towards me cupping my face and smashing his lips to mine. He kept forcing me backwards till my back hit the wall. He lifted me up and my legs wrapped around his waist while pushing my back agains the wall making sure I don't fall.
" ash I'm so sorry."
" sh sh sh it's not your fault. Don't apologize." He mumbles between kisses.
" I'm sorry for saying what I said to you, I'm sorry for being an ass hole."
" it's not your fault you were born as ass hole." I say giggling. He laugh too as he kisses me one more time.
" always got jokes. I love you baby girl, if you ever even think about thinking other wise, I dont care if im 1000 miles away in a different time zone ( hint hint ) you call me and I will reassure you."
We finish out little apology make out session and lay on the bed.
" Get some sleep yeah?"
I nod yes, kiss him one last time and lay down as he wraps his arm around me.
He's sound asleep but my brain decided to say fuck you your not going to bed. So I start to think.
Why did he go to Australia, what was so lengthy that it would take 5 months? I wanted to wake him up and ask him but I decided against it. I almost lost him today. The one question still remains, who is the father of my unborn baby?
Alyssa ~

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