The Children

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"Abby!" yelled Abby's mother. "Please tell me what your wearing." She repeated. Abby looked down at her black crop top that barely even showed her belly button. Her mom was over reacting. At that speed of a human heartbeat the porch door swung open and out came the boy. "Hey Abby, hey mom," said the boy. "What's going on?" He asked sounding alarmed. "Nothing, Jon," answered Abby while rolling her eyes, trying to walk away. "Oh, it wasn't nothing. We need to talk about appropriate clothing to wear." said the children's mother, who was trying not to raise her voice. "Mom!" Screamed Abby. "I'm 14 I don't need help on what and what not to wear!" Abby words flew out of her mouth before she had to time to think, and she could tell on her mothers face that she had made a mistake. Lets just say their parents were strict and full of respect. Abby dashed off into the yard which was full of pools, mini golf sets, paths, trees, and of course tree houses. Abby sometimes wished her family wasn't so wealthy, at school her friends would laugh at her for wearing dresses on picture day or for wearing pearl earrings that looked like they survived the Titanic. She stared blankly at the workers in the gardens and suddenly wondered if she had a chance of becoming a gardener like her friends. They would do maintenance for their family and would trim bushes into hearts all day. But not Abby, she would get in trouble, for it was  a job 'for the poor and the ones not special'. "Abby!" Called out Jon.

'Why are you doing this,' Abby thought in her head. "Could we go for a walk?" She suggested. "Since when do you like going for walks?" Jon asked suddenly not convinced. Abby shot him a look of frustration which made him look away. Offended, but not sad, Abby started to walk down the long path which led to the driveway. Jon and Abby talked for a while about school work and plans and the odd teachers that talked about rat stu. Seth, a kid whom had no chance of finding a friend said that those teachers hang in the lounge during recess and begin their witch crafting. The twins, Abby and Jon wished they could help find Seth a friend but apparently no one wants a witch crafting maniac as a friend. Those who say that do have a point. As the sun set and the wind howled like a wolf at a full moon, Abby and Jon headed back to their house when a black car approached them. Abby pulled out her phone and dialed 911 just in case as the big man walked out of the car. "Oh my go-," began Jon. Abby mouthed "run!" to Jon but little big man had other plans.

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