The Escape

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Abby was sitting at the edge of the little dumpster, wondering when she should leave. According to Matt and Tom she was in Denver. Police cars were traveling the streets for about 5 minutes. Abby got up and heard a gunshot. Bam!! The ringing in her ears were buzzing as the bullet went again. Abby knew immediately that it was Tom. Sirens were going off like birds pestering a bird feeder. Abby sat into a ball praying that help would come. She had felt so tired, she looked at the clouds and then fell.

Boom!!! Abby's eyes flew open as soon as the last gunshot went off. The sirens were still going and by the darkness of the sky she knew that she slept for about 2 hours. She wondered how all of this happened. It was just so strange. After Abby got up she decided to take a look at the dumpster and see what was inside of it. Abby opened the lid and saw a body.
A corpse with skin and bones showing. There was also a lighter,a gun, a pocket knife, and a body bag sitting on top of everything else.

Abby was confused, scared and happy all at the same time. A shiver went down her spine as she went to move the body. She yelped out when it fell, making flies come with it. She also saw a bag pack that was completely empty. Abby knew right away that she should take the gun,knife,body bag, and back pack out, and look what was in it. The bag looked empty except for one pocket. It had a bloody napkin in it. Abby put the gun inside of the bag, she also put her jacket in the bag. It took a few tries but she finally had enough courage to stop feeling pity for the body and man up. She felt like she would vomit but she stopped staring.

In the body bag, was a water bottle that was new and filled, a rag, some keys and clothes that looked old and dirty. Abby looked in the clothes and saw some crackers in the pocket and a wallet. Abby stole that two items and put the water,crackers, and wallet in the same pocket with the gun. However for the clothes, she decided to put them in the bigger pocket. Abby left the pocket knife with her just in case and was ready for her adventure. But like seriously who kept those crackers and didn't have them crumble?

Abby stuck her hands in her pant pocket and saw a note. It said,"no one will ever find you so don't try." Abby was so shocked and nervous. Everything was coming to fast for her. She sat up and walked down the lot. The streets were empty and the sirens had faded.
No gun shots were created so Abby thought that the police caught Tom. While Abby was walking, she saw that it said 21st street. The only 21st street she knew of was the one downtown in Denver.

Abby just realized that she had the phone."Oh My God!"Abby hollered. She had the phone,but she didn't know where it would be. She searched her pockets and found,nothing. Next, she searched her pants, in her back pocket a small object was sitting there.

Abby pulled out the phone as quick as a flash. There were so many cracks in the screen, but it still worked. Abby called 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" Asked the operator. Abby couldn't speak so she just quivered. "Eh-ah,eh ka-ka I uh, well," started Abby. "Are you hurt?" Demanded the operator. "No!" Yelled Abby sounding harsher than she meant to."Sorry,um I've been k-kidnapped and the killer is out. Looking for me." Abby finally said. Feeling slightly uncomfortable having to say those words. "Okay, where are you,dear?" Asked the operator. "21st street." Abby said, hopefully. "Alright help is on the way." The operator finished. Abby realized she was in the middle of the lot where anybody could see her. She turned around to go back to the dumpster,when a gunshot was blown.After the gunshot, Tom yelled,"I will find you Abby!" Abby was terrified. She wanted all of this to be over. But it wasn't. Not even close.

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