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Jon moved even faster, once he found out that he was in Denver. All he wanted to do was find the key and go anywhere but here. Jon never felt more scared in his entire life.
Clonk,Clonk,Clonk! Someone big and
heavy was walking down the staircase.

"Oh,why'd you leave the children in the cellar,Matt?" Asked Matt, mocking the man's voice. Jon froze. He was coming. Jon hopped over the front desk and was completely hidden.
"Where are you,little boy?"asked Matt. Jon heard himself gulp. Crap.
"Wherever you are, your going to pay for what you've done!" He finished harshly. Jon looked up to hear a pistol being cocked and pointed at him. "I see, you've tried to escape. No? He asked, with a hint of humor in his voice, with his French accent faint. Jon closed his eyes and knew he would never be able to open them again.
His eyes were closed which seemed like forever. Jon opened his eyes, Boom! A shot of pain went threw his body. His mind was whirling around him. Jon fell to the floor and felt wet drool coming out of his mouth.
Jon closed his eyes one last time, as he realized he must be dying. He watched over Matt who had broken into tears by now. He now knew he was gone forever.

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