Middle of No Where

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While the beautiful morning was blooming, Jon woke up to a loud bang! This is definitely not home, he thought while he laid his head on a crunchy pillow.

'Whoever lives here did not wash anything,' Jon thought to himself.

Knock!Knock! The door opened in a quick flash that made a woosh sound. Three men walked in and headed straight for Jon. Jon was a purple belt in martial arts, he would get these guys in a second.

He should have waited till the right time, but since he didn't Jon found himself in a chair with chains wrapped around him. Abby was asleep in the other mans arms when Jon knew this was his time. He moisturized ever day so it would be easy to slide out of here, he would just have to wait till they leave until he made his move. But then Jon thought of something, 'WHAT WOULD HAPPEN WHEN I DO FIND MY WAY OUT!' Fear overtook Jon as he tried to look out the window, but saw nothing.

Jon was amazed by how he slipped out of the padlocks and chains. Abby was not there when he woke up from his nap. Jon figured it was fine, since she had the phone. "THE PHONE!!! Where's the phone?" Jon walked down the long hallway filled with doors."So,wheres the children, Matt?" Asked a man. "In the cellar," Matt said proudly. "What the heck,Matt!"yelled the man. "What's wrong with the cellar?!" Asked Matt. "The door is what's wrong,"He replied. "Those kids can get out of the room in a single push! They might be long gone my now!" He finished. "Oh.." Matt replied. " Just get Jon first, he'll be the hardest to get rid of." said Matt.

Jon began to panic. Get rid of? What did that mean. Jon soon realized, that meant they were going to look for him in the cellar. He ran and ran until he found himself in some sort of lobby to a hotel maybe.
The windows were covered with moldy wood and caution tape. Also the doors were chained up with a lock. Either one of the men had the key, or it was somewhere behind the front desk. Jon looked around his surroundings and saw an old telephone. He didn't even bother to try the phone,he knew it wouldn't work.

There was a crack in the wood that Jon noticed when he was looking for clues and tools. It seemed to him that he was on 21st street. The only 21st street that he knew of was in Denver,Colorado where his grandparents lived. He lived in Austin, Texas . This was not some random kidnap, this was for something bigger, something worse, this was for a ransom. A ransom Jon's parents COULD afford. This was big, and it needed to be stopped.

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