Toms Comeback

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Abby remembered nothing,all she really remembered was how the police were almost ready to take her until Tom came up and shot a bullet only inches away from the top of Abby's head and then she fell off the top of the roof.
Abby smelled junk and garbage surround her,also the stench of death and blood was haunting her. She looked around her to see black aluminum every where. It was pitch black around her, for a second she thought she was dead.
Well death don't smell very good.
She thought.
Another long few moments passed by and still no luck on anyone finding her. Abby began to wonder if she really was dead. "No,no I can't be!" She scolded herself. The dumpster opened,so Abby took the chances of it being Tom. Abby closed her eyes peacefully to make it look like she was dead.

After a while she slowly opened her eyes to see a cop standing over her sighing with relief. "She's awake!" He yelled as everyone cheered. Abby sat up and saw a crowd of people waiting for her arrival. Abby looked around confused,and waited for people to explain what was happening.

Abby was still,out of the dump,and clean. She was waiting in a lot with yellow caution tape crossing the sidewalk. Abby was breathing slowly waiting for someone to talk to her.
A man walked over to Abby in a devilish way. "Glad to see your awake,"the man started. Abby recognized the voice anywhere,it was Tom. The voice would definitely haunt her dreams for the rest of her life.  "Help me, someone hel-" Tom cut her off with a soft chuckle and then pulled out the gun. "Let's play a game,shall we?" He asked. "The games called follow Tom Hallard or go to a special place." he finished. Abby nodded her head slowly and got up. Right when Abby was about to climb the ladder,a gunshot went off. The only thing was it wasn't Abby's death, it was Toms.

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