Losing a battle

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Jon was neatly placed on the coach that was in the room. Abby walked over to Jon, while Matt looked blankly around the room like something was wrong. "Matt," Abby started. " Matt what is it? " Abby asked concerned. " Um, just things aren't the same from when I left. I mean, Jon is on the coach." Matt said. " It doesn't matter. So you are in Denver, you are in a hotel that is abandoned, I was kidnapped just like you from these men that have been in prison, I hate it here, and..." he was cut off by the group of men standing at the door."So who was taught to never Shut UP!!!" The man yelled. Matt looked around for the gun. " Nah uh uh," giggled the man. He held up the gun and faced it at Abby. He cocked it. "Abby's not the only one who died- or will die." He chuckled darkly. Then faced it at Matt. "Join the party!" Yelled the man, sarcasm dripping from his voice.
Matt closed his eyes right before the bullet was shot, he ducked, leaving only inches away from his back. Abby saw the gun face her. Abby panicked, she knew this was not the way she would die. Abby fell to the floor right when the bullet went off. Abby closed her eyes like she would as if she were dead.

About 20 minutes went by and Abby was still on the floor. She opened her eyes in a flash. The room was empty.Black. Pitch Black. "What's wrong with you!" Yelled the man. " It isn't fair. You guys can't just be holding these kids for hostage and expecting to get a ransom off of it, especially since you killed the boy," Matt said. "Hey! You killed him,not me!" Yelled the other man. "Tom! Just give the girl back!" Yelled Matt. "Maybe, we can just raise her," the Tom guy said."How? To kidnap people and kill?!" Matt asked sarcastically. "Sure," replied Tom. "Do what you want with her," started Tom. "Like we care anyway." he finished.

The lights went on again and Matt walked in. Abby stood up, when she looked up she saw a bigger man with darker hair." Come with me," demanded Tom. Abby shook
her head viciously. Matt walked up to her and said,"Abby, do what the man says." Abby walked slowly to Tom, unsure if she should trust them. Abby walked down the long hallway with the two men. As they turned a corner, a red EXIT sign was visible.

Abby looked behind her to see that Tom had a smirk on his face, showing pure evilness and Matt looked like a nervous wreck. As they all got closer and closer to the door, Abby's phase became faster. Once Abby was in front of the door she took the chance of pushing it and escaping. Abby knew she had made a mistake once she pushed the door open, because that was Toms move into shooting Matt. Bang! Bang! The 2 bullet shots went off. Abby spun around as quickly as possible to see what had happened. Matt was on the ground with a pile of blood next to it. Tom had an evil smirk on his face. Breathing heavily, Abby took off immediately, running as fast as she could. Tom didn't get the memo in time and was far behind Abby.

Abby found a little lot, like an alley way that was empty and decided to take a break there. She sprinted over to the dumpster in the corner and sat. She could hear Tom screaming at her,as he traveled down the road. Abby saw him pass her,still screaming and knew she was safe. After that she completely knew that she had lost the battle. A very serious battle.

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