The Real Rescue

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Honk honk! A firefighter went into its truck. The hairy man had at least 20 tattoos on his face and arms. "Nothing is over here, why'd they call?" He asked. Abby knew they were talking about her. "So what do we do?" The other man replied. Abby made a decision of craziness, she screamed bloody murder at the top of her lungs." I'm on a building!" Is what she said. The two men looked at her direction as she began to wave her arms. Abby was very grateful that they were able to see her. The one man went into his truck and the other tuck out his microphone that was on his belt and yelled," Stay there, we are COMING!" Abby sighed in relief.

The ladder had finally came upon Abby and she slowly walked over to it. The floor had made creeks. She had been nervous ever since her fall. Abby still smelled like rotten fish and was soaked with water,but she didn't care. As the ladder came closer,the heavier her footsteps became. The roof fell and Abby's foot went in with it. No one realized that there was oil in the building and it started to spark up. Ashes came flying out of the chimney, while Abby was struggling to get out of the roof. Abby turned her head and...

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