The Uncompleted Rescue

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All Abby really remembered about her "rescue" last night. Why in the freaking loving of God did the police not come! Abby looked at her rashes and scrapes that were created on her body. Abby longed for a miracle, a very quick miracle. She decided to stop being a stupid,dumb, lazy butt for sitting on top of the roof, so she started to explore this building. Abby sat up and turned her head. Tom was on his way up the building with the lot,he was about to be sitting on the roof, in great view of Abby. Abby moved over to an electric box that was blended with green. Since it was so dark, Abby was now completely hidden. She sighed in relief when she heard his scream like he was terrified. The scream began to fade as a loud sound was made. Crash! Something or someone fell. Abby suddenly felt like she was free. She looked up and saw an empty building beside her.

Abby was stiff. Really stiff. She felt like she couldn't move. Abby started to hear noises, noises like sirens. Abby suffered to stop being so lazy she felt so stiff. Abby looked at her hand and saw blood all over her. She looked at the pocket knife in her other hand and saw blood all over it. Abby opened her bag and saw the cloth sitting there,still. She took the cloth and started dabbing the cut. She wrapped the cloth around her wound so she wouldn't loose any more blood. Abby sat back and sighed.

The sirens grew louder and louder as she moved in the direction of the lot. After Abby put everything away, Abby started walking. As she started walking she felt uneasy. She walked very slowly and carefully. She began walking normal again when...

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