Home sweet Home

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Chapter 14: (Abby's P.O.V)

I watched the sky turn dark as I looked out the window in the patrol vehicle. I saw the sign that said:Good-bye Come back soon to DENVER

A tear formed in my eye as I thought of everything and everyone that had disappeared in this experience. Jon,Tom,Matt, everyone. Even though I despised Tom, it still made me get chills to think that he died right in front of my face.
Sometimes I feel like I should had let Tom or Matt kill me instead, I can just already make out what people are going to say to me.
"Why'd you leave," or maybe"you so stupid and dumb!" And I'd just reply in,"I don't know?"

As tears started streaming down my face,I realized no one is perfect. The whole time I thought of how I didn't mean for the black car to come up and take me and Jon. Or, I didn't mean for Matt to be killed in the building. I thought about how I shouldn't blame myself for so long, I didn't even realize that we were at my house. Home. The huge mansion that by parents bought,years before me and my brother were born.
At the thought of Jon,a tear started to trickle down my cheek. He wasn't beside me, going to knock on the door and then pounder inside,he wasn't going to hug mom and dad until we get bored of each other. He was never going to see any of us ever again.

I got out of the car and then ran to the door, opened it and ran to the kitchen. No one was there, so I went to the family room,by papa was passed out on the couch.
I went to the long alley where all of the rooms were and saw my parents bedroom cracked open a little. The chipped paint on the walls didn't look like it did before, it looked like my parents had a big fight. I wouldn't be surprised if they did.
I heard a small whimper and then crying. "Who is it?" My mother asked threw tears. Now was my chance to surprise her," Who is it!?!"she asked again. 3.2.1. "MOM IT'S ME MOM!ABBY!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. My mother turned to me and screamed,then passed out. All of a sudden my face felt like it was hit with a fire ball. I sprinted to my room to see what it was and, it looked like my face had been burnt and then cut open. I heard heavy footsteps run down the hall and I found my dad running to my mom.

When I got to the room, my mom had ice on her head, while my dad was comforting her by rocking her in his arms. Once he spotted me he said," Call 911!" When I didn't respond he yelled again, more harsher, "now!!" I screamed back at him. " What happened?" He asked. I didn't answer. "What happened?"he asked again,this time raising his voice. " I don't know!" I yelled back sounding straight. After that I blacked out and didn't know what had happened.

I woke up in a hospital bed,with sharp scissors surrounding me. It looked like I had surgery. All my friends were in the room just talking to each other. I grabbed for one of the knives just as one of my friends said," What the-" she was cut off by me shrieking with pain as the knife went into me. So death doesn't smell quite awful. Now I know.

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