CH 35

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Hello, long time no see, I know, I know, I apologize for that. I'm not dropping any work, I'll finish them all, and, this story is far to finish yet. So, here the new chapter. To recap, this chapter will start the same morning than the previous one. You might want to read again the previous one to catch up. Hope you're still here with me, stay safe, see u soon


How do you like to wake up? With the sun softly touching your face? Or, maybe you prefer to be woken up by the soft whisper of your beloved, asking you to open your eyes. There are many ways to start the day and if you're wondering how Kara likes to start her day, well, the answer is simple: with Lena.

Nothing energises her more than seeing Lena's face. Nothing feels better than hugging Lena and gets comfy on the coziness of her arms. Nothing smells better than Lena's hair and let's not talk about how wonderful her lips taste. Better than honey, better than any nectar this world could provide. Yeah, waking up with Lena is the only thing Kara needs to get her day off with a great start. So you can imagine Kara's disappointment when our dear hero doesn't find the warm body of her wife at her side when she finally wakes up.


The blonde calls the name of the dear Luthor, trying to summon her to appear in front of her eyes like a genie, but, no matter how much she calls her, Lena is not around, the only one who's around right now, it's the kids & Eliza because...

"Lena is already in the Lab, Kara. Working with Lillian & Alex on the Harun-El"


Kara tries to not pout, but she's really bad at hiding her disappointment about not seeing Lena right away. Her reaction doesn't go unnoticed by the old Danvers; Eliza chuckles, she wonders how the blonde can manage to hide her identity of Supergirl when she's so easy to read.

"Did you sleep well...?"

"Yeah, maybe too well because I overslept..."

It's past noon and Kara doesn't recall when was the last time she slept for so long. She needed it. The past couple of days has been rough, but she feels like she has committed a big crime because right now the world needs her the most. There's no time to rest, no, right now, it's what she wants to believe but...

"It's okay, sweetie. The last thing the world needs is a tired Supergirl..."

Kara chuckles, Eliza always knows what to say to make her feel better. The role of a mother, to make their kids feel better about themselves. Eliza is always great at doing that and the blonde hopes she will be as good as her, for the well-being of her kids, Kara wants to believe she will be able to know what to say to make everything better when the kids need a little encouragement. But, what one of her kids needs right now, it's actually, a change of diapers.

"Here, a task worthy of Supergirl. Karolina needs a change of diapers..."

Eliza puts the little baby in Supergirl's hands. Now, it's her responsibility to deal with this crisis, but once again the blonde hero pouts, because it's normally always Lena the one who deals with this kind of thing.

"Are you sure you don't need me for something else? Maybe someone needs to be saved, and I..."

"And, you can save the world after you change that diaper..."

Taking a deep breath, Kara nods. She can do this, she's Supergirl! She's invincible... Well, not really, especially when the hero starts to deal with such a delicate job and her sensitive sense of smell betrays her when she unwraps the diaper.

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