CH 2

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Hi again, now, this chapter will start some days after the bold move of Kara. thank you in advance if you have the time to leave a review. Have a great day!

Spacing out, alone in her office, Lena can't be able to focus on anything since the night that Kara Danvers aka Supergirl rushed into her office and confessed everything to her... I'm an alien... I'm Supergirl... You're my world... Those 3 things keep playing on Lena's head like a broken record. And, not just those words...

Lena softly touches her lips and, says. - "How could she...?"

Someone lands on her balcony and, says...

Kara. - "How could I kiss you out of the blue...?"

The CEO stands up from her desk, and walks away, trying to be as far as possible from the blonde hero...

Lena says with a blush on her cheeks. - "I can't see you right now, Supergirl..."

Kara. - "Oh... okay, so what about..."

Before the blonde could finish her sentence, she runs out of the office very fast, leaving a blue blast on her way, till she walks into the office again, but, this time dressed as Kara Davenrs...

Kara plays with her glasses and, says. - "So, what about just meeting with me: Kara...?"

Lena rolls her eyes, she doesn't want to talk with Supergirl or Kara...

Kara. - "It has been already a week..."

Lena sighs deeply while she sits on her sofa and, looks at her chessboard...

Kara pouts sad. - "I've texted you, called you... and, you don't reply or take my calls... why...?"

Lena says with her gaze focuses on the chess pieces. - "I thought that you were going to be literally my only friend in National City..."

Kara sits on the sofa, leaving a gap between them, trying to don't overstep because she doesn't want Lena to run away...

Kara. - "But, I'm your friend..."

Lena turns her look towards the blonde and, says. - "You kissed me!"

Kara giggles with blush and, for one reason that Lena can't understand, she finds it extremely cute. The CEO shakes her head, no, it can't be cute, she can't find it cute...

Kara apologizes. - "It was wrong to kiss you without your consent, I get that and, I'm sorry... I promise that next time I'll ask your permission..."

Lena blushes. - "Next time...?!"

Kara creeps over the sofa, getting dangerously closer...

Lena blushes. - "You're too close..."

Kara smiles. - "I want to be close to you..."

The brunette stares at those blue eyes, looking at her like a stray puppy, begging to be loved and, she stands up, trying to hide her blush, trying to control her emotions...

Lena. - "Most of the people wouldn't touch a Luthor with a 10-foot pole, how is that you want to be close to me?"

The blonde stands up, she walks following Lena all around the office...

Kara. - "I'm not like most of the people..."

Lena. - "Exactly! You're a super! And, I'm a Luthor and..." (She looks at the way Kara stares at her, and, says with a sad voice) "You can't love me... you & me, it can never be a thing..."

Kara frowns and, pouts angry. - "Why not?!"

How can she look so adorable? Lena thinks while she sees the blonde pouting angry. Once again, Lena shakes her head, trying to control these emotions that the blonde hero is causing inside her heart...

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