Chapter1: Wild (Part 2)

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CONTENT WARNING: Implied Sexual Assault

She felt things loosen down below and she was able to slowly slip out of him. The omega moaned softly laying there. Juices leaked from him and he purred grabbing her hand and rubbing his face against it. He fluttered his eyes at her and she groaned.

"You're a little flirt." She grumbled feeling embarrassed. He smiled at her with a smug grin. Logan grabbed her shirt from the floor and slipped it on. It hung low over her lap. The omega watched her before pulling at her shirt. "What?" She asked, he lifted up the shirt and stuck his head inside. "Do you want a shirt?" She asked. She slipped off the one she was wearing and put it on him. It hung loose on his lean frame. He purred loudly and wrapped it around him.

She rolled her eyes before getting up and grabbing a new one for herself. The omega sat upon his knees and patted at the nest chirping at her. "Prrrupt!" He called, Logan had heard him use that chirp with her a few times now. She guessed that's what he called her. "I'm not leaving." She said adjusting the shirt and walking back over to the nest. "See?" She said climbing back into the nest. The omega smiled pleased and hugged her pulling her down next to him. Logan took this chance to reach for her sleeping bag and fold it up to rest under their heads.

He moved closer to her, Logan wrapped her arms around him with a sigh. She didn't feel like thinking about what to do later. She was too tired for now. Feeling strangely comfortable she fell asleep. When she woke up the next day, Logan sat up slowly to find the little omega was gone.

"Little guy?" She asked looking around, but she was met with silence. She guessed he had gotten what he wanted and decided to bounce. "I can't believe he hit and it quit it." She grumbled feeling a little strange about this. But still, she didn't need to be out here. So she got dressed and gathered her things.

She stepped out of the cave adjusting her boots and looked around. She looked over the valley and saw her grandparent's cabin in the distance. "I wonder if I have a signal?" She asked pulling out her walkie-talkie. "Gramps?" She asked as she pressed the button. There was static, "Gramps?" She called again, "Can you hear me?" "Lo-gan!" She heard the choppy voice of her grandfather on the other end. She stepped out further from the cave and his voice became clearer. "Logan! Are you okay?! Where are you!"

"Uhhh I'm fine..." Logan said giving herself a once over, "Something strange has happened though." She spoke, "Uhhh I met an omega?" She was unsure how to explain this. "An omega?" Her grandfather sounded confused.

"Yeah, I was heading down to the campsite and I slipped and twisted my ankle. Got a nasty cut on my forehead too." She explained, "So I treated myself and I set up a little camp across the river from the usual site." She continued, "Then this omega shows up that night. I gave him some candy and I guess after I fell asleep it rained super hard so he brought me to what I can only describe as his nest?" Logan felt as she explained what went on that this sounded ridiculous.

"Well you're lucky he did, the campsite flooded and there was a major rock slide." Her grandfather chimed in. "We were sure something happened to you!" He exclaimed sounding grateful. "Wow." Logan said sounding surprised, "There's a bit more though." Logan added after a moment. "What's that?" Her grandfather asked, "I... I may have marked him?" Logan said a little embarrassed. "He... uh showed up in heat... When he brought me back to his nest he was still in heat... It was raining pretty hard and one thing led to another and uh... I marked him... He marked me too."

Her grandfather was silent for a long while. Then he spoke, "Logan... What did this omega look like?" He asked, "He's got long copper hair, a ton of freckles, and he was only wearing what looked like a loincloth?" Logan was now sitting on a rock kicking her feet as she spoke. Her grandfather let out a long sigh, "You are my granddaughter." He grumbled. "Excuse me?" Logan asked confused.

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