Destination: Bora Bora

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The first place I went after that dreadful night?

Bora Bora...

Bora Bora is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places in the world. For decades I have wanted to visit this place so, of course, it was first on my list.

The island is situation northwest of Tahiti and less than an hour away by plane from Papeete. The second I landed, I understood it's paradise made on Earth. I was greeted by the locals and given a fragrant flower lei before being transferred by boat to my hotel in the resort.

After I settled down in the bungalow I rented for myself, I was quick to go out and explore this beautiful place. I was going to make so many photos of this place and send them to Catherine and Jason as I promised before leaving. I know I said I needed some time alone but I was really missing them like crazy. But I was in Bora Bora on my own and I was about to start living life to its fullest!

First thing I did after leaving the bungalow was to sign up for the 4x4 Island Tour and the Aqua Safari - must do's on the island. After having a walk through the island and enjoying the views, I became a bit hungry and decided to go to one of the most famous restaurants on the island - Bloody Mary's. I really hoped it'll carry its name as I was really craving blood.

Preferably from a Mary...

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