Let me feel you

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It's been a couple of days since I first step foot in Kitzbühel and saw that angel in the cafe. I have managed to find out her name, it was Sophia. I began going to the cafe every day at the same time because that was the time Sophia and her group were taking a break from skiing.

Every single day at the same time I was at the same place, at the same table. The waiter became my friend and I was using him as a blood bag. I hadn't had sex with anyone since I've come. I was so set on Sophia. I wanted to have her, even if it means sharing her with her boyfriend. I mean, I was ready to try that as well if it meant having her.

But even thought I spent so much time at the cafe, she never even payed attention to me. She was straight and so in love even my seductive vampire couldn't corrupt her.

I knew I couldn't stay any longer in this place before people started asking questions why was I alone, where did I come from, how old I was, etc. so I decided today is the last day I'll try with her and if it works, I make love to her tonight and tomorrow morning I move to a different place.

The chance came to me right after dinner while I was getting ready to pay my bill and go upstairs to pack my stuff for my trip. That's when Sophia's group came in the hotel's restaurant looking for her. They didn't know where she was, they had lost her a couple of hours ago and couldn't find her ever since.

Not gonna lie, I got worried at first because being lost in the mountains could be very dangerous but after the initial shock, I realised that this was my chance to be alone with her and get to know her. I knew that if I went looking for her, I'd be the first one to find her because no one stood a chance against my vampire senses and speed.

So I joined the team that went to look after her. I went alone, I didn't want anyone in my way when I found her.

It took me about a minute to find out where she was. I could hear her struggling, she was probably stuck. There was no one anywhere near me or her so I ran with vampire speed towards the place. And I was right!

I found Sophia stuck in a tree trunk. She couldn't take her leg out and was going to hurt it if I hadn't intervened in time.

"Hey, let me help you" She hadn't seen me or felt my presence in anyway so she was startled when she turned around.

"OMG! You found me!" Fuck, the relief in her voice! She shouldn't be so happy that she's been found by a vampire... Not all of us have good intentions.

Although were my intentions really good? Weren't they selfish as the ones of every vampire?

She was so beautiful, now that I was so close to her I could see every shade of gold in her eyes, every freckle she had on her perfect skin...

I was in awe. If I wasn't a fucked up vampire with kinky sex instincts I would have said I'd fallen in love.

"There you go" I say as I take her leg out of the trunk.

"Thank you so much!" She says and struggles to get up. I help her out and the second she's up on her legs, she faints in my arms.

I knew that there was a cabin near us because I passed it on my way to Sophia. So I took her there to warm her up for a bit before taking her back to the hotel.

As I enter the cabin, I see it's not as small as it looks from the outside. It's got a living room area with a big couch and a kitchen bit where I could prepare the hot tea. There's also a small bedroom with a double bed and a bathroom.

I leave Sophia on the couch and cover her with one of the blankets left on the sofa's arm. It's clear that no one lives in this cabin by the fact that the door was left open and everything was covered in dust. I'd assume it was made to be of use in cases like this one. When someone had gotten lost in the mountains or decided to spend the night out. There was a station on the little table in front of the sofa but I wasn't going to use it. No one needed to know that I had found Sophia and that we were in the cabin together.

By the time I made the tea, Sophia had already waken up. She was looking around the cabin trying to move with her hurt leg "Are you sure you don't want to lay down a bit and rest your leg" I ask as I hand her the cup of warm tea.

"Yes, I want to go back to my fiance as soon as possible. He must be worried sick" Her fiance? Well, fuck!

"We'll get back to the hotel in the morning. Now it's too dangerous" I say and sit down on the sofa, looking at her pacing around the room.

"Is there a station in here? Something that we can call the rest with?" I stand up and go to her. I cup her beautiful face with my hands and look her in the eyes. Such beautiful eyes are so rare. I've seen many but the golden tones of Sophia's eyes was making me forget where I was and what I was doing.

"Let me feel you, I'll calm you down, I promise" I say and start caressing her cheeks. She pulls away looking at me with an awe. She's finally gotten it!

And that's when it hit me!

She wasn't into me, she never would be, the vampire charm wasn't working on her for some reason. It's so rare that vampires are rejected, it almost never happens. Humans fall in love with our charisma from the moment they see, no matter what sexuality they are and how innocent they are, the always do and they're willing to do everything to please you.

But not this time! This time was different! Sophia was different! She wanted to get back to her fiance and have nothing to do with me.

I was starting to hear the voices of the rest of the group and I knew we didn't have much time alone so I cupped her face roughly and looked at her eyes "Forget we ever talked. I found you in the mountain, we came here to call the others and rest for a bit and were about to go back to the hotel. Nothing else happened" I say and let her go.

And that's when her friends start knocking on the cabin door to take Sophia home and away from me...

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