Chapter 1: Anger Management Meds

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Sanemi's POV:

Another average day of work. Like normally, my alarm clock wakes me up and I completely demolish it. I look around and stare at the empty space beside me. I shake my head and get out of my bed. I walk into the bathroom and immediately notice the blue phallic object I left on the rug from last night. I stared at it, then looked away and sighed. As much of an aggressive horny bottom switch I am, I'm quite picky about who I choose to sleep with. So right now, It's just me, myself, and I doing all the pleasure work.

And for all I know, I'm gonna be the only one jerking myself off for the rest of my life because of my aggressive outbursts. I have to take medicine for it. And I usually do, but sometimes I forget, leading me to get extremely worked up over the smallest things. At first, I had no idea what was wrong with me, and didn't care to see a doctor about it, until, because of my rage, I had scared my younger brother, Genya, out of the house. Of course, that gave me the motivation to get checked and get medicine for my anger issues. I told him everything was fine and I told him he could come back, but he refused. He told me I have to get all of my shit together before he's willing to come back and live with me.

I hate being alone, and yet I find myself alone all the time. I want to get myself together, but it's so damn hard to do that without someone to help me. I stare at myself in the mirror. I gently stroke the scars on my face. Right now, my younger brother is living with one of my co-workers, Gyomei Himejima. He's the librarian at the school I work at.

My brother would have gone back home to live with mom, but we're actually the last two people in our family who are alive. When I was younger, apparently there was a gas leak in the basement and because my uncle liked to smoke down there, one of his cigarettes lit the gas and completely engulfed the house in fire. This happened on Christmas Day, so our entire family was at our house. The family members who didn't get burnt to a crisp, were dragged out by the fire department and immediately driven to the hospital. But only me and Genya survived, the burns painting our bodies with scars.

Enough contemplating about my sad backstory, I need some fucking coffee. I quickly brush my teeth and put a black work shirt and some gray jeans with a leather belt on. I don't like ties, so I never wear one, and instead just keep my collar unbuttoned. You can kinda see my scars, but I don't really care. I walk out of my room and go into the kitchen. I grab the almond milk out of the fridge and chug down my anger management meds. I stare out my balcony at the morning traffic.

My apartment is in the city, so It's a bit loud at night, but I'm used to it. The school is in the outside suburban areas of the city, so I usually have to drive my motorcycle to get there. First, I'm gonna stop at the cafe across from my apartment to get some coffee. They make some pretty kick ass coffees and teas. I got my shoes on and grabbed my bag full of files of student work. I grabbed my lanyard and locked the door on my way out. I walked down one flight of stairs and opened the door to the noisy outside.

I walked across the street to the cafe and walked inside. I ordered a black coffee with half and half, plus a fresh croissant. I quickly scarfed down the croissant and walked out to my motorcycle. I put my helmet on and put my drink in my bag compartment, along with my bag of files. I turned my bike on and drove off through the city. I knew a few alternate routes to the school, so I wouldn't have to be stuck in traffic. Unfortunately, one of the routes was going through was under construction, so I had to find another way around. Which was gonna make me late to work. Fuck.

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