Chapter 7: Lactose Intolerant

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He looked down at my bandaged hand.

Gyomei: "Oh my god! Are you okay?? What happened to your hand??"

I looked down at it and frowned.

Sanemi: "..Well, when I left the Library to go talk with Genya, I got into another argument with him. My stupidass got aggressive and punched a brick wall."

Gyomei: "Oh... I'm sorry to hear that. Please be more careful. I don't want either of you to get hurt. If you get hurt, I know he'll blame himself."

Sanemi: "It's my fault. I don't know why I keep trying to bring him home, when he's told me time after time that he's not gonna."

Gyomei: "Well, I doubt I could help your guys' situation very much."

I sighed. As much as I hate therapy, Genya and the doctor were right. I needed to go.

Sanemi: "Anyways, sure. You can stay here for the night."

Gyomei: "Ah, thank you. You're a lifesaver, man."

He walked inside. I shut the door and locked it for the night. He took his jacket off and hung it on the coat rack. It completely engulfed my other jackets. I looked at him, and saw his very large back muscles.

Sanemi: "Question."

He turned around and looked at me.

Gyomei: "Yeah?"

Sanemi: "Why are you drenched? I can literally see your skin through your shirt."

He looked down at himself, then looked back at me.

Gyomei: "It's pouring outside."

Sanemi: "It is?"

I jogged into the living room and looked out the sliding glass door. It really was pouring out. I quickly opened the door and grabbed my cactus, trying not to get wet. I closed the door and set the cactus down on my coffee table. Gyomei walked over to me.

Gyomei: "Is that a cactus?"

Sanemi: "Yeah. I had other plants and tried to keep them alive, but I failed. So instead I decided to get a plant that's small maintenance. Yet, as you can see, I do not have a green thumb."

Gyomei: "It's been raining for about an hour now."

I looked at him.

Sanemi: "Seriously? The forecast said there was a small chance of rain, and now it's downpouring? What the hell.."

Gyomei: "Why don't you put a rag on the cactus? It'll suck up some of the water."

Sanemi: "Okay, I'll try that."

I got up off the couch.

Gyomei: "And, if you don't mind, could I borrow a towel?"

Sanemi: "Oh, sure."

I walked into the hallway and opened the closet in the hall. I took out the biggest towel I owned. I walked back out to him and gave him the towel.

Sanemi: "Here you go."

I handed him the towel.

Gyomei: "Thanks."

He put the towel on his back. I walked over to my cactus and gently put the rag on the dirt so it could soak some of the water up.

Gyomei: "I don't know why I'm asking, but by any chance, do you have any very oversized shirts? I usually have an extra pair of clothing in my car just in case something like this happens, but for some reason I only found pants and couldn't find the shirt that goes with them."

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