Chapter 6: My Stress Reliever

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I went wide eyed.

Sanemi: "W-what do you mean I'm on your strongest medication..?"

Doctor: "The average person usually gets to a 50ML dosage. You're at a 70ML dosage. The fact that you even got to 60ML was considered concerning."

I stayed silent.

Doctor: "And now you're here saying that you need something more powerful? Shinazugawa, that's a problem. You have so much stress and anger inside of you, that as your doctor, I'm gonna recommend you to get a therapist."

Sanemi: "O-okay.."

My voice cracked. I felt like shit. Today was definitely not the best day. Damn you Kibutsuji for bumping into me. He told me more about how much I needed Therapy, which I already knew. This wasn't helping my mood at all, and I felt like raging, but if I did that, I'd be proving his point. I hated this. I felt like crying. Finally, he stopped talking and I was able to leave. I walked back down the halls, and out the door.

As I neared my motorcycle, I looked at my phone. The time was 5:07pm. I really wanted to get home. I put my helmet on and got on my bike again. Just my luck again, my motorcycle was almost out of gas, which meant I was gonna make another stop. Ugh. I rode my bike a mile out of the way to the nearest Gas Station. I stopped and filled up my tank. As I was waiting for my tank to fill up, something caught my eye. Across the street from the Gas Station, was a Liquor Store. I hesitated at first, but my broken mind gave in. After I finished filling up my tank and paying for the gas, I headed over to the Liquor Store.

I walked inside and it smelled like scotch in there. I walked down a few of the isles. All the types of alcohol were stacked up neatly on displays. I restricted myself to only getting 3 out of 5 of my favorite alcohols: Beer, Vodka, Bourbon, Wine, Tequila. After standing around deciding what to get, I chose Tequila and Beer. I wanted Wine, but remembered I still had some at home, as well as Vodka. I like Bourbon, but since It's so strong, I should probably only drink it at Bars. I got my I.D. out and showed it to the guy at the counter. The total came to $45.88 for both of them. Usually I wouldn't send that much for alcohol but at that point, I didn't really care.

I came out of the store and back to the gas station. I put the alcohol into my side compartments and got back on the road. It took me 14 minutes to get back to the apartment. I parked my motorbike in my section of the driveway behind the building. I took my work and alcohol out of the compartments. I unlocked the back door and went up the stairs to my flat, which was on the second floor. I unlocked the door and walked inside.

I set my work, beer and tequila down on the kitchen table. I stared at the Beer.

Sanemi: "One wouldn't hurt, right?"

I took one of the bottles out of the beer case and took the top off. I took a swig, then set it down. I looked at the ground. Of course, all the bad things that had happened to me today, started flooding back into my mind. Me being late to work, bumping into Kibutsuji, getting into that fight with Genya, punching the wall, having to go to the doctors only to be told they can't help me. All the bad stuff. I couldn't hold back my feelings any longer and began to sob.

Sanemi: "Why does this happen to me..? What did I do to deserve this..?"

I clenched the bottle and continued drinking the beer. I sat down on the ground and leaned on the wall. I poured all my emotions out as I continued drinking. I hated being on this stupid planet, but I couldn't just leave Genya here alone. I drank until my head started feeling dizzy.

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