Chapter 11: The Worst Possible Conclusion

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NOTICE: Even though I haven't updated any of my stories in months, that doesn't mean I wasn't writing. I've actually been improving my writing style, so expect to see a couple changes in structure and just the way I word things in general. Things may seem a bit more poetic than before, too.

Edit: Honestly this chapter did not go the way I originally planned it to go, but it was juicy so I just fuckin went with it. Enjoy.


Gyomei's POV:

As I neared my destination, I thought about what Sanemi told me.

"You remind me of my mom, who was the most secure person to be with."

My heart sank a little.

"Jesus, Himejima. You just HAD to let your curiosity get the better of you." I scolded myself.

I glared at the traffic light in front of me, waiting for the bottom light to shine.

(Btw, I've come to the conclusion that he has Protanopia colorblindness. If you don't know what that means or what colors look like with this colorblindness, go search it up.)

As soon as it flashed, me and the other waiting cars drove forward. After a couple turns, I pulled into the parking lot of my resident condominium. After parking my car, I walked up to the voicebox by the lobby doors. I typed in the code to my condo and pressed the call button. I waited patiently while the box rang. I probably should've texted Genya if he had gotten a ride home or not, but oh well. After waiting around 10 seconds, the speaker turned on.

"Who is it?" A groggy voice asked.

"Let me in, please." I replied.

"Oh, right." The voice said.

The speaker hung up, and the lobby doors made a loud click noise, unlocking. I walked into the lobby and up the stairs to the mail area. I opened my mailbox and grabbed all of yesterday's mail. Most of it was junk mail and advertisements. I turned towards the stairs again and started walking up. It was unnecessary for me to take the elevator since my condo was two floors up. The floor above the lobby was dedicated to the workout room, event room and game room. It also had doors that led out to the community pool and garden area. After reaching my floor, I walked all the way down the hallway to my condo, 106.

Since my condo was on the far end, it was much nicer than the others next to it. It had an extra bedroom and more windows outlooking the city. But, that also meant rent was more expensive. Luckily, after serving in the army for those few years, I had more than enough money to spare. I could easily move away, own a house and have a better paying job than the two I have right now, but I'd have nobody to share all that with. Besides, I grew up in this city, and was taught that I should only want what I already have. I knocked on the condo door.

"IT'S UNLOCKED!" A voice shouted from the other side.

I opened the door, and walked in. Genya was in the living room on his laptop, likely doing his homework. He sat on an armchair.

"Your key is on the counter." He said without shifting his focus from his screen.

I sighed. "So that's where I left it."

After taking my shoes off, I grabbed my key off the cold marble tile. It was chained to my lobby keycard.

"How did I forget something as obvious as this?" I chided.

"I'm at fault here too, actually. I didn't notice it either, or I would've grabbed it on my way out and handed it to you at school yesterday." Genya scoffed.

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