The Crew

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I walk into the office, seeing three people, or demons I guess. They look at me, when the small male demon said

Male demon: Uhh hi?

Y/N: Hallo, Ich suche Arbeit, was gibt es?

Male demon: What?

The small female demon responded in perfect German

Female Demon: Du müsstest den Chef fragen, aber ich bin der einzige, der Deutsche spricht, kannst du Englisch sprechen?

I nod, and ask.

Y/N: Where can I find the boss?

The wolf girl demon thing answers.

Wolf Girl: He's in his office, in the back.

She said this, never looking up from the brick thing in her hands.

Y/N: Shouldn't you look at someone when you talk to them?

She gave me a "shut the fuck up" look, and said.

Wolf Girl: When the fuck did I ask you for a etiquette lesson?

I was taken aback, I hadn't meant anything bad or was trying to correct her actions, I was just asking,

Y/N: Sorry, I didn't try to be rude I was just asking.

I walk to the office, and knock.

???: Come in!

I walk in. There's another one of those demons, the red ones with horns. I'll ask after we're done.

Demon: Hey young man, what did you need?

Y/N: What does this company do first off?

Demon: We exterminate people we are paid too. Now, do you need someone dead?

Y/N: No, I'm looking for employment. I just died and I'm guessing I need a job to keep myself afloat.

Demon: Well, to start things off, what is your name?

Y/N: Y/N Straßen, do you need my middle name?

Demon: No I don't. My name is Blitzø, but the O is silent.

Y/N: Nice to meet you sir.

Blitz: Previous work experience?

Y/N: I was a Artilleryman in the Wehrmacht, the Heer specifically.

Blitz: So, got any gun experience?

I think, then look out the window. About 780 yards away was a guy trying to rape a girl. I point it out to him.

Y/N: See that guy trying to rape that girl over there?

Blitz: Yeah, what's that got to do with anything?

Y/N: Just watch.

I pulled out my rifle, a Mauser Karabiner 98 Kurtz, take a pot shot and landed a perfect shot between the guys eyes. Blitz's jaw drops, stunned. I cycled a round and put it on safe, threw it back over my shoulder and smile at him.

Blitz: There's no fucking way you aren't a sniper, I can't even land a shot that perfect!

Y/N: Nope, I'm a artilleryman.

Blitz: You definitely have a place in this company, welcome aboard Y/N!

Y/N: Thank you sir.

Blitz: No, not sir, you know my name so use it.

Old wounds (A Loona x Male reader story again)Where stories live. Discover now