Found out.

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Loona POV
Soon the guys text me, specifically Blitz texts me saying.

Blitz: •get us the fuck out of here!•

I look over to Y/N, who was sitting next to me, and say.

Loona: Hey, the guys are coming back, you may want to move.

Y/N: Oh, okay. Damn.

He got up and sat down on the couch. I re-open the portal, and they walk through. Blitz looks pissed, M&M are bickering. I ask.

Loona: What happened up there?

Blitz: You don't want to fucking know.

Loona: Okay.

Blitz: We're all going home, I'm sick of this fucking office today.

Y/N: Jeez, he's really pissed.

Moxxie: You'd be too if you were there.

Y/N: I'll just leave it at that.

Blitz: Y/N, Loona, let's go home.

Loona: Oh, he's coming with us?

Blitz: Yeah, so we can make sure he stays alive.

Loona: Oh, okay.

We all walk to the van, I hop in shotgun and Y/N vibes in the backseat. While we're driving, Blitz turns on the radio, and loud blaring heavy rock comes through. We hear a stunned scream, and a loud thump from the back, then Y/N says.

Y/N: What the fuck is that?

Blitz: death metal, never heard it before?

Y/N: No!

Blitz: It's really popular, you've been down here for almost a month now, how have you not heard it before?

Y/N: I'm anti social, I hate talking to people so I stayed in the office.

Blitz: That's kinda sad.

Y/N: I know!

Bitch mode activate? Ehh, I'll try.

Loona: That's fucking pathetic.


Oh, I gotta remember he's being a asshole too, we have to to keep our relationship a secret. Despite the fact he probably didn't want to yell at me, it still hurt. I quiet down, and play on my phone. We drive, and soon get to the house.

Blitz: We're home, hope y'all don't fight.

Loona: We won't Blitz, at least I won't.

Y/N: And I won't if she won't.

Blitz: Good, I have to go "visit" Stolas so don't make a ruckus.

Y/N: We won't boss.

Blitz: You know my name, so use it.

Y/N: We won't Blitz.

Blitz: Good, now get inside, I've got to be there soon.

We walk inside, and both breath a huge sigh of relief. He looks at and says.

Y/N: I'm sorry about yelling at you in the vehicle.

Loona: it's good babe.

Y/N: So, what do we do now?

Loona: Just hang out, eat dinner, maybe fuck, I don't really know.

Y/N: Put a x through the last one.

Loona: Okay no fucking.

Y/N: We can cuddle though.

Loona: Sounds great, but let's eat dinner first.

Y/N: Sounds good.

We make dinner, eat that dinner then lay down on the couch, hugging each other. It's quiet, calm, comforting. After a few minutes, I kiss him. He tries resisting for a few seconds, but melts into it, then we hear the door open.

Blitz: Loona what did yo-

He saw us kissing, and I could feel the anger rising. Suddenly I feel myself getting yanked off of Y/N and hitting the floor.


OH GOD OH FUCK! Blitz walked in on us and is starting to choke me out. He angrily screams at me.


I try to respond but can't, as I'm being choked. I start to feel lightheaded, until Loona comes to the rescue. She grabs Blitz, pulling him off, then jumps on top of me, latching onto me like her life depended on it, and hissed at him.

Loona: Don't you fucking dare even THINK about hurting my boyfriend!

Blitz: Wait wot?

Loona: you heard me, don't fucking touch him!

Blitz's brain explodes, and his eyebrows somehow get narrower. He growls, but leaves. I'm horrified, but somehow in hell Loona is chill. I'm scared, and she can sense it. She nuzzles her head into my chin, and starts calmly singing. She may be a demon, but she has the voice of a angel. It's very soothing, and I soon feel sleepy. I remember the look of anger on Blitz's face, and it was, horrifying, seeing such a happy go lucky guy get so mad. I'm ashamed to say, I started crying.

Loona: Babe, are you crying?

Y/N: *sniff* Maybe.

Loona: Why?

Y/N: Well, it was super terrifying when Blitz got angry, and then there is the fact he tried killing me just then.

Loona: I'm really sorry about him, he's over protective.

Y/N: I can see that.

Loona: I love you, a lot, I won't let anything hurt you.

Y/N: A-and I won't let anything hurt you.

She smiles, tilts my head downward, and kisses me.

Loona: I'm a Hellhound, not many people are going to fuck with me.

Y/N: Doesn't mean I'm going to just let them.

Loona: And I appreciate it.

Y/N: I love you Loona.

Loona: I love you two, Y/N, now let's go to sleep.

Y/N: ok.

We proceed to go to sleep, snuggling with each other. With god as my witness, I love this woman, and I'll love her for the rest of time.

Chapter End.

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