Floating Feathers and Trolls

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A few weeks went by and I was getting into a good routine. I still have dreams of those two mystery boys and the images like the ogre and the red gem. I no longer saw the dusty door, and now I was just waiting to see if that ogre thing ever turned up. It was now Halloween and I was excited for the feast tonight. We haven't had an extravagant feast since the first night, so I was excited for this one.

First, though, we had to get through classes. Thankfully, it was Thursday, which meant no potions. The classes before lunch were uneventful but Charms after lunch was something I was looking forward to.

Professor Flitwick was a funny little man. He was a dwarf and he had to stand on a pile of boxes just to be seen behind his desk. I was sitting with Neville next to me and Hermione and Ron in front of me. Ron has been in a foul mood today and I honestly couldn't tell why.

"One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you all have your feathers?" I was almost bouncing in my seat in excitement. This was one spell that I was really looking forward to. I had rambled about it to Hermione this morning and it made her laugh. Hermione held up her feather and I could see Ron glower at her. Seriously, what in the world is up his ass? "Good. Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, hmm? The swish and flick. Everyone."

Every student in the class did the wand movement and Flitwick was pleased. "Good and enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then." He said and we all started trying to get the feather to float. I only got it to levitate about an inch off the table but my concentration broke when I heard Ron.

"Wingardrium Leviosar!" He started flicking his wand as if he was trying to axe the feather, which made me snort rather unattractively.

Hermione looked shocked. "No stop, stop, stop! You're going to take someone's eye out. Besides, you're saying it wrong. It's Levi-o-sa, not Leviosar." She said. I know she was trying to help but she had that bossy tone again. Ron hopefully will just let it go.

"You do it then if you're so clever. Go on, go on." Ron said, ending with a mocking tone. Dude, you know you're talking to the smartest girl in our year.

Hermione just gave him a look and looked back at her feather. "Wingardium Leviosa." She said perfectly and the feather flew up almost up to the ceiling. 

Flitwick looked thrilled. "Oh-ho, well done!" He said. "You see here everyone? Miss Granger's done it!" He said happily. Ron pulled his stack of books closer to him and rested his arms and head on them. Even just by looking at his back, I could tell he was pouting/moping. I almost went back to trying to make my feather float when a sudden explosion happened down near where Harry was. Flitwick almost fell off his stack of books in surprise and I giggled when I saw the cause of the explosion was none other than Seamus. 

"I think we need another feather over here, Professor." Harry said sounding like he was in a daze or something. 

The rest of the class was uneventful. I managed to get my feather to at least hover above my head so I will say that was a win. 

After the class, I walked next to Hermione as we headed outside with the other students. I was about to ask her if she could help me practice for Charms until I heard Ron. 

"It's Levioooosa, not Leviosaaaar." Ron mocked with Seamus and Harry. I looked over at Hermione and saw she was frowning now. "She's a nightmare, honestly. No wonder she hasn't got any friends!" Ron ranted. Hermione rushed past me and I could hear her sniffling. I instantly glared at Ron. 

"I think she heard you." Harry said. 

"Well no shit, dumb-asses!" I yelled at them. They wheeled around with looks of terror. "And for your information, Weasley," I spat out his name with venom, "Hermione does have a friend, me!" I shoved him away from Harry and Seamus, not looking back when I heard him grunt in pain and I ran off after Hermione. 

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