Finding you

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A/N: So here is the next update for TGA. It is getting closer to the end... Hope you like it.



“I’m here. Now, where did they take Zayn?” I said.

The one question I had to ask. I needed the answer. I had to find him-- I just had too. My life depends on Zayn. I get this recurring dream that is just all about Zayn.

    “He is going to be at the warehouse where the first of the deaths have begun. Liam you already know the area don’t you?” Harry said. Niall looked up.

    “Liam, what is he talking about?” Niall said. I took a breath.

    “Niall, I am a police officer. For the past year, Sage and I were trying to find leads on the murders that were happening. Justin was also included in the murders. I wasn’t at the funeral because I was tracking Edward. Perrie was the diversion. She was used to let you know that it wasn’t her. Now, our only action we need to take is finding Zayn. I can just feel that he is waiting for us. We need to save him.”I turned to Harry. “And, I am going to need you help.” He nodded. “Now, let’s go to my office.” I walked towards to my car and unlocked the doors for everyone to get in. Once everyone was in, I locked the doors and drove to the station.

“Liam?” Niall said.

“Yes Ni?” I asked.

“Do you love Zayn?” Niall asked. I took the time to think about it. Do I love him? Would that be the reason why I want to save him-- no it can’t be. I want to save him because he needs to be saved. When I saw him, he was a broken boy who needed his best friend, who needed someone to love. I want to be that person to love him. I would get these recurring dreams of him being my boyfriend. And, I was loving him. I married him in one my dreams. Maybe the reason why I was here in the end, was because-- he was my reason for living. I stopped the car at the light. I turned to Niall.

“I do love him. I love him a lot.” I said. The light changed and I was driving the rest of the way to the station. I parked in the lot that was given to us. I turned over my shoulder and looked at Niall and Harry to see if they were okay with doing this. I received a nodded response from them. We exited the car and went inside; I looked at everyone.

“Let’s sign you in.” I said. We walked up to the officer in charge of sign ins.

“First and Last name, please?” Louis said.

“Horan, Niall.” Niall said.

“Your equipment is in Sage’s Office, Officer Horan.” I looked at Niall. He waved it off. “Next person, please.”

“Harry Styles.” Harry said.  

“Sure okay Harold.” Louis said.

“It’s Harry. My other head is named Harold.” Harry said.

“I know I’ve seen already.” Louis said.

“GOD LOU!” I said.

“What it’s only friendly flirting.” He said.

“FLIRT WHEN YOU’RE NOT ON DUTY.” I said. I took Harry by the head into the office. “Never again am I bringing you Harry.” I said laughing. I turned to Niall.”Now explain.”

“Well..” He started to say.. “ I was--”

“He was originally put here to monitor the school district.” Sage said. “He is other than Harry, the only one who knows the killers are. Anyway besides the point, you are the only one who knows where Zayn has been kidnapped. Even you have visited in your dreams, you just have to remember. So bring him back to us. Niall and Harry will go with you. Once you find him, come back to me. He is waiting for you. So go find him. " She said. I have to find my light in the dark.. I have to find him.

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