Chapter Eleven: Complicated

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Geno's POV months later

.....So it's been a while. I finally got my thoughts in order and Error helped me fix my code. He and I agreed that I should take a break from seeing Reaper after everything. It really annoyed him how troublesome his AU was becoming and how it seems to drag me into a chaotic storm, especially from Gaster. So, until that AU settles down or as he put "Reaper and his father get their shit together", then I won't be seeing them. We really need some space. I can still contact them, just don't do it as often. I have hung out with other friends and I have enjoyed it. I also got back to a normal routine. and grew comfortable in my own AU, my own save screen, again. I just watch the multiverse by manipulating the code.

But I haven't been completely alone in the save screen. Ink came to me with Blue one day and had a baby with them. Apparently the baby is from a corrupted world that closed in on itself. Ink was wondering if I could take care of him, this little boy named Miles. He put Miles in my arms and I just remembered my Gaster handing me my little brother to me for the first time. The baby was so precious. I agreed but he told me that it was justt for the time being until they find a proper AU for him. At least, that's what he said. Now he is at the age of four and is super energetic, reminding me of my brother. I raised him like I raised my brother and gave him all the love and care I could for him. He is alwyas so positive and enthusiastic, looking up to me like a guardian or parental figure but calls me Geno. I train him myself as best as I can. One of my biggest regrets is not preparing my brother well enough. Then again, how well could I train a pacifist to fight? But with the dangers in the multiverse, I want him to be ready. I grew attatched and fond of him, wanting to protect him the best I can. I never want him

"Geno!"Miles exclaims, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?"I say, looking at him on my shoulders

"You got lost in bad thoughts again."He says

"O-Oh! What were we talking about?"I ask

"We were going to see the stars."He says, pumping his fist in the air

He smiles excitedly.

"Right! Let's go!"I say

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"Right! Let's go!"I say

I open the portal to OuterTale and enter the AU. I went to a peaceful, isolated area with the knowledge that it can get chaotic here. I set him down and he sat down right beside me, looking at the beautiful scenery in awe. We started naming constellations and it was very peaceful. It was nice.

"Hey, Geno?"He says

"Yeah?"I say

"You love me right?"He asks

That broke my soul to hear.

"Yes! Of course I do! Why do you question it?"I ask

"Ink........Kept messing with my code. He'd leave me to be raised by one person, then restart me when he got bored or something. He claimed that those folks didn't love me correctly but I have grown to question if he really cares or is honest....I love you Geno and don't want to be seperated from you...I don't want Ink to take me from you."He says

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