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The villagers gathered around in the center of town. Some had offerings in their hands some had none, for they believe their heart and soul was an offer enough.

"I don't see her mother", a boy said. The mother smiled down at him with the baby in her arms.

"She'll be here soon my dear, just be patient", she replied. The baby made a small whine causing her to shake them generally to calm them down a bit.

         "Since Sister Y/n will be visiting why not celebrate with pig tonight", the father asked. "Pig! Please Mother we haven't had that in a while", the boy begged. "Alright alright, you're going to have to fatten up the other ones", the mother replied. "Will do dear", the father relied and kissed her.

         "Can you guys not do that", the son cringed. "Oh hush boy once you get older you'll do that to that village girl you like", the father relied. "For the last time I don't like Ashley", the boy fussed his face now red. "Whatever you say son", the father chuckled and ruffled his hair. The crowd began to cheer causing the family to look up then rushed forward to push past the crowd.

A black paladin was the first to be seen. The paladin didn't pay mine to them at all only just stood on the side. The villagers were too focused on the nun that was approaching them; her arms were raised slightly making it look like she was giving them all a air hug.

"Hello children of Miranda", the nun greeted. "It is so lovely to visit you all again", she added. The villagers went to place the offering before her, but the nun raised her hand making them refrain from doing so.

"No gifts today, your presence is gift enough", the nun said. "Today is a important day for us, but before I continue I heard we had a new soul joint is today", the nun said. The mother with the child stepped out from the crowd.

           "Her name is Katherine", the mother said then handed the child to the nun. The nun generally grabbed the baby and smiled down at her.

             "Katherine, such a nice name", the nun said. The child began giggled messing with the cloth in the  nuns head. "Such a pure soul", she said then looked at the mother. "May I hold her while I make this announcement", the nun asked. "Of course", the woman replied then stepped back into the crowd.

            "Now as I was saying, Today is an important day, this is the last time you will be seeing me", the nun said. The crowd began to murmur, but stopped when she raised her hand.

             "You all have been so kind, so giving, so faithful, I could go on all day how truly kind you people are", the nun said. "Which is why it wounds me, to see you al go", the nun said.

The villagers had a look of confusion on their faces.

"As I said humans don't truly depart, we don't truly leave, our physical bodies do but our souls will always remain here", the nun said. "We will always be connected", she added. "So on this day let celebrate on this day, we shall see each other soon in a new diffrent form ", the nun cheered.

The villagers didn't question her motives. They began to cheer along with her some even crying.

"Mother Miranda will always love you", the nun exclaimed causing the villagers to an even louder cheer.

          The monsters, also known as Lycans, came out from their hiding places and ran straight for the villagers. As soon as one of them bite straight into the neck of a unlucky villager. Screams filled the air along with rushed footsteps as villagers tried to run away, some faithful villagers fell to the knees and offer themselves to the Lycans as a way to show their faith to Mother Miranda and her messenger.

"Let us depart", the nun said still with the baby in her arms. The baby began to cry. The nun generally rocked the baby in her arms as her and her paladin walked back to their church.

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