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Y/n's pov

    I sat beside the huge window in my room. I watched as some of the remaining villagers tried escaping the lycans. Some did, some didn't of course. The ones I was watching one of them got caught by the lycans. What I'm assuming s=is a his wife is trying to reach for him, but is held back by others. They dragged her away from him as they ran from the lycans that was heading straight for them. The man wailed and held his hand out from them as he was devoured by the lycanthropy that caught him.

I knew the man, he always gifted me his chickens. He was kind. I felt no remorse for wha had happened to him nor sadness knowing he died a terrible death. I heard someone knock on the door causing me to look in that direction. It was Alcina she was entering the room, having to stoop down to avoid the head board. Once she was inside she straightened up and smooth doit her dress.

"Am I interrupting", she questioned. "No just looking outside", I answered. "The pest are still running around", she commented walking over and sitting on my bed near me. "Some almost got inside here", she added. "Pity", I replied still looking outside. "They are resilient so it isn't surprising", I said seeing the woman again. She had a huge wooden boar din hand. She tried swiping it at the lycanthropy that on top of her husband, but of course it remained unfazed from the hit. A nearby lycan pounced on top of her and began devouring her.

"Do you pity them", Alcina question causing me to look at her. "Not at all", I answered. "I don't know how you can be so interested in them", she said. I rest my head against the top of my knees and smiled at her.

"Are you jealous Alcina", I teased. "What makes you think that", she questioned. "You seem upset I'm so distracted by them", I answered. "I'm not", she answered quickly in a stern tone. She let out small cough and straighten her back puffing out her chest more.

"I was just curious that's all", she replied. "Hm", I hummed looking back outside. I finally decided to het off the window seat. I got onto the bed and sat beside Alcina. I leaned my head against her arm. Her tense body relaxed after a couple of seconds.

"I was just admiring my work", I said. "Many of them are dying from foolish choices and actions because I influenced them to believe in the afterlife", I explained. "It's really just a black void for them", I stated hiding my sad tone. "It is their fate, no one can do anything about it", Alcina stated.

"You think that's where we go", I questioned causing her to let out a huff. "Absolutely not, we are higher beings we will be going elsewhere after this life", she answered. "...Then where would you like to go", I asked. "Elaborate", she replied. "I mean what do you think will be there? Will there be flowers, the ocean, what do you think it'll look like where we are going", I explained. Alcina remained quiet, thinking over her answer.

"..Somewhere with my girls, you and your son", she answered. "Somewhere peacefully", she added. "Maybe with flowers and waterfalls", I chuckled dryly. "The best afterlife for someone of your status", she smiled. "It would only be best if you and everyone else is there with me", I stated. "It could be a big empty white void; no matter what as long as you and everyone is there with me I'll be at peace", I added.

"Hm that does sound nice", Alcina replied looking down me. I moved my head a bit to smile up at her. Alcina's eyes studied my face, her eyes lingered more on my lips. She began leaning in slightly, but then turned her head away to look at the window.

"Well I should get going I need to check on the girls and to make sure no more pest infiltrated my home", Alcina said while standing up. I leaned off her huge arm to allow her to.

"Okay do you wish for my help", I asked. "No need you are my guest after all", she replied. "I will see you later this afternoon, goodbye Y/n", she said and began heading for the door. "Bye Alcina", I replied watching as she left the room. Once she was gone I looked back outside the window. I let out a breath and griped my hands together. It's been a while since I felt like this, I felt so alive. Alcina is truly incredible. I turned around seeing Paladin in the doorway.

"Something wrong", I questioned. "....I would like sisters", he answered telepathically. I blinked at him, with a confused expression on my face. "

Three.Three sisters", he repeated holding his fingers up. "What are you on about", I questioned. "Nothing mother nothing...", he trailed off and left my room. I watched as he did and got up off my bed. I went back to sitting beside the window. I looked down seeing the now torn apart couple. Their decapitated hands were holding each other. I couldn't help, but smile fondly at them, they were together at the end at least.

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