Chapter 16 - First Hangover 😵‍💫

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Being a young adult and having the fun which consists of partying it up in bars was romanticized in holos, displayed as being the cool way you should spend your free time during the best years of your life.

But Talla discovered that there was nothing cool about the morning after a night of binge drinking. And it started when the soft morning rays peeking in burned her retinas after her eyes finally opened late that morning, and it didn't go away no matter how many times she tried blinking it off - that was definitely not cool.

And there was nothing cool about how her head felt like it was being relentlessly pounded against a hard surface even though she was just lying there, completely still. And it was not cool when shakily pushing her upper body off the mattress, a severe case of dizziness hit her on a level she had never experienced before and made her fall back down, groaning in agony. The low hum of the ship that had grown to become a comforting sound of familiar surroundings now only aggravating her painfully throbbing head. The immense fatigue despite just waking up, her throat being dryer than the desert planet of Tatooine... None of this was cool.

When the cup of water sitting on her nightstand was finally processed through her fried circuits for brains, Talla snatched it and downed that refreshing cup much like Wrecker did with his drinks last night. Once finished, the hungover for the first-time clone shifted to be hunched at the edge of her bed and groaned as the slightest movement sent more waves of dizziness, nausea, lightheadedness - by the moons of Gozgo, Talla wished someone would send a blaster bolt through her skull and put her out of her misery!

And guzzling that cup so fast turned out to not do her severe nausea any favors. It was a miracle she even made it to the refresher with her intense vertigo, and before the water made a disgusting reappearance. To put it simply, today was not going to be a good day.

The only good thing about throwing up, and honestly it wasn't even that good of a thing, was that Talla got a chance to look in the mirror when she rinsed her mouth out and thank the Force she did because her face looked like it had suffered a terrible accident! The once separate red and black eyeliner winged to perfection was smudged in a terrifying splotch around each bloodshot eye, and it made them look they had been gouged out. And her lips... Not in the slightest better. And her hair might as well have been a mynock nest.

Boy, was she glad no one saw her like this.

In the common room, Tech and Crosshair were lounging at the dining table and enjoying warm cups of caf, the former perfectly chipper and okay from his moderated drinking and the latter only having mild symptoms of a hangover. But a truly hilarious and pitiful sight trudged in and cured Crosshair of all his mild symptoms, because this was what he had hoped for - hilarious results from getting Talla drunk!

Agent Talla slowly shuffled into the common room with her red comforter draped over her head and wrapped around her aching body. Her eyes were droopy, bloodshot and dead, and a deep scowl was on her face - a product of her suffering. This was worth the humiliation from losing the bet he made last night, and all those mean things Hunter said to spite him. "Well, good morning!" Now chipper Crosshair bid Talla with an amused glint in his eyes.

Talla winced. It was as if he was yelling through a megaphone disk. "Must you yell?" She grumbled moodily, slowly lowering herself down next to Tech and wrapping the blanket around herself tighter in an attempt for some, any measure of comfort.

Crosshair calmly raised his cup of caf to his lips, "Oh cyar'ika, I'm not yelling." His cheeky smirk into his mug showed complete willingness, "But I could."

Talla lowered her throbbing forehead to rest against the cool table surface, "If you could whisper, make the room stop spinning and turn off all the lights, I'd really appreciate it." She groaned again. "I'm never doin' a shot contest ever again."

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