🎂🐬Vocaloids- Happy birthday Miku! 🐬🎂

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🦋Fandom: Vocaloid
🐬Genre: Fluff
🎂Length: Long (688 words)

🦋Fandom: Vocaloid🐬Genre: Fluff🎂Length: Long (688 words)

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🥬Miku's POV🥬

I throw off my duvet, leaping out of bed in my pajamas and rushing downstairs.
"Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me~" I sing as I skip downstairs, my twin tails streaming behind me like two turquoise waterfalls. Pushing open the door, I stride into the living room.
To find it completely empty.
"Guys?" I stammer, my voice seeping joy, tears stinging my eyes. "Guys?"
I step into the silent kitchen, my feet tip-toeing on the tiles. The kitchen table is empty of bowls, food, cereal, leeks- empty of anything to show people have lived here.
Except a note. A note folded in a perfect square using pastel blue paper.
We're sorry for the disappearance of all of us- but we have a challenge for you! Go to the living room!
I giggle weakly at the terrible pun, placing the note in my dressing gown pocket.
"If this is some sort of prank..." I yell at the ceiling, checking behind every door.
The living room is empty, except for one note, slightly concealed this time.
Maybe you should go to the freezer so this note doesn't melt!
"Freezer, ok!" I hurry to the kitchen, unsticking the door to the humungous freezer, entirely dedicated to Kaito's ridiculous ice cream obsession. Stuck in a tub of mint-chocolate chip ice cream, is another identical note.
Help, we're rolling away! We're going dowwwn!
This one takes a while to figure out, but they're probably talking about the lowest point in the house- no, not the basement, but the dent in the hall where Len hit his head attempting a back flip. Sure enough, there's a note nestled under the rug Meiko laid there hastily to cover it up unsuccessfully.
What do you put on the fridge? A...
"Fridge magnet. A magnet!" Instantly, I start waking towards the fridge, then turn around and ascend the steps to...
"Luka's room!"
Which is unsurprisingly empty and unsurprisingly clean, due to Luka's incredible organisation I could never have. I tear back her covers, search her computer desk, until my eyes flick to her computer.
Carefully, I type in her password (privacy? In this house?) and click on the last tab she had open. Typed in the search bar, is
I hope you are happy to get your presents!
"They better be good presents!" I yell to the empty room. "Happy... Viva happy... Mitchie M..." I think of Len eating that packet of M and Ms right in my ear yesterday. "M and Ms!"
I take a sharp turn into the twins' room, and sure enough, smothered under his duvet, is the m and m packet.
Are you invited to a wedding?
Instantly, my mind flicks to that guy that 'married' me. Or maybe it's referring to something less creepy...
I search Rin's plushie collection, through floods of kittens and bunnies and puppies, like a sickly overload of cuteness. Underneath hundreds of koalas and kangaroos and red pandas , is a lone fox, a note tied to his stubby arm.
"Vegetable juice... vegetables... the vegetable patch!" I sprint down the stairs for the second time this morning, out into the last dregs of summer sunshine, to the vegetable patch.
Among the juicy leeks, oranges, carrots and bananas, is no note.
Just as I'm about to search in the brambles, someone grabs me from behind, the sunrise becomes midnight. I fly though the air, and suddenly the blindfold is torn off, and my family erupts in front of me.
My eyes take in the turquoise streamers, the leek- themed cake, the decorations strung up all around our kitchen. Rin, Len, Meiko, Kaito, Gumi, Luka; even IA, tone Rion, Uma, Kanon; the UTUA'S, Teto, Tei, Momo, defoko; even Haku, Neru, Calne-Ca.
Rin rushes up to and wraps me in a hug.
"Did you like the treasure hunt?" She squeals.
"I loved it." I laugh. "But can I have my presents now?"

If you can name every song referenced in the notes, I'll give you a shout out and follow you! Good luck!

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