🚲Meika Hime + Meika Mikoto- The audition🚲

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🚲Fandom: Vocaloid
🎀Genre: adventure
🤍Length: Long (767 words)
Also in this Hime is a demi girl (they/her) and Mikoto is a Demi boy (they/he)

At 1:00 am in the freezing winter, little children should be in their beds, dreaming about the next school day, or fretting about a lost shoelace or unhappy looking teddy bear. They should definitely not be on their bicycles, alone, wearing all black and escaping from home.
As the first snowflakes began to flutter to the floor, Mikoto bit back their chattering teeth and continued through the street, the bike jolting at every uneven paving stone. He'd been travelling for 2 hours now, and with every twist and turn the sky became more foreboding, and the temperature descended into impossible numbers.
"I'm cold." Their sibling moaned, her voice a pitiful mew behind him.
"Let's just get to that shop, see?" They pointed at the gleaming light in the distance, another rare point of respite for two hungry 12 year olds.
"Can we stay for a bit?" Hime asked. "Please?"
"Alright." Mikoto agreed, picturing the warm loaf of bread they were about to sink their teeth into.
They approached the 24 shop and tip toed inside. The twins wore their darkest clothes, their hoods pulled up against their distinctive candyfloss hair.
Mikoto leaned over to tuck a few loose, bubblegum strands back into Hime's hood.
"Where should we go first?" He asked, although Hime's answer was always the same.
"Sweet aisle!"
The twins made their way to the sweet aisle, Mikoto on the look out for danger, Hime crowing about what sweets she was going to buy. Leaving their sibling surrounded by the colourful bags and packets, Mikoto snuck away to the phone aisle, tapping into google maps and checking their destination.
Tokyo Vocaloid centre was 20 miles away.
They were 20 miles away.
"Mikoto?" He spun around, making eyes contact with Hime's pink eyes that were glossy with tears.
Mikoto placed down the phone.
"We've still got 20 miles to go." They sighed. "And only ¥1,000 left."
Hime's eyes welled with tears, and they buried their head into Mikoto's chest, her tears leaving wet stains on the dark fabric of his hoodie.
"It's ok, Hime. I think I have an idea." Mikoto squeezed their hands, leading them towards the door. "It might be dangerous, but we have to risk it to get there on time."
"What is it?" Hime sniffed.
"Can you see that petrol station, over there?"  He pointed.
Hime's face scrunched up in confusion.
"Um, yeah... why?"
"If we can find a truck, we could sneak on top of it and ride to Tokyo."
"W-what about the bikes?" Hime sniffled, her hands reaching out to grab the handlebars protectively.
Normal children wouldn't care so deeply about their bikes. But for the twins, these bikes represented something much deeper.
A happier time.

⚠️Tw for misgendering demiboy for girl, verbal ab*se and their mother cutting Mikoto's hair.

Mikoto and Hime shuffled into the room, giggling nervously. Their mother was slumped in front of the TV, watching vocaloid videos. She was watching a Len one, laughing bitterly as the young boy sang some very inappropriate lyrics.
"Hey, girls. What are you doing?" She called behind her.
"We..." Hime stifled a giggle. "Mummy, we dyed our hair!"
"Hime!" Mikoto hisses, but their Mother was laughing.
"Cute. Come over here." Hime pranced over, showing her new bubblegum hair.
"Mikoto?" He stepped over nervously, head bowed. He unveiled his new blue floor length bunches with shaking fingers.
"Blue?" Mikoto flinched at their mother's words. "That's a boy colour, you dumb bitch. You're a little girl." She snarled.
"Mummy, I'm not a girl anymore. I'm a demiboy. I-"
"Shut Up!" Their mother screamed. "Huh? You want to be a boy then? You want that?" She stamped to the kitchen, grasping a pair of scissors. "Come here." With rough hands she brought down Mikoto's head, scissors hacking at years of growth. "There. Be a boy then." His mother grabbed their arm and pushed him away. "You're no daughter of mine."

"Hime, we have to."
Hime wrapped her arms around the bike's handlebars protectively.
"Goodbye, Mr bicycle." They mumbled dolefully.
"Ok, I trust you. Let's go."
Mikoto lifted his sister onto the truck, and Hime scrabbled up nimbly to perch on the top, pulling up Mikoto.
They peered down as the driver crawled back into his truck like two crows, protected by the shadows. The truck shook and tumbled like a huge beast as they left the petrol station, on the long trip to Tokyo.

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