chapter 4

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*sorry it short but I wanted to give you a chapter. Star if you like :) picture of Mooses' girlfriend, Stacy

*Moose' POV*

I quickly drove home and kept looking back at Max. He was still unconscious and that scared the hell out of me. His wolf should be trying to heal him or his body should but I need to make sure by the doctor. The pack doctor knows what to do in times like this. I pulled up to our house and quickly grabbed Max then ran inside. Everybody in the house stopped what they were doing and looked at us. My dad and mom weren't there but at the moment I didn't care.

"Where's the pack doctor?" I growled in my alpha voice. Everybody took out their phone and either sent texts or called all the numbers for the pack doctor. "Tell her I will be in my room and she needs to hurry." I growled again. They all nodded and I ran to my room. I laid him down on my bed and grabbed an old rag from my bathroom then pressed it to his leg. He hissed and I looked at him. His eyes slowly opened and he looked around. He had sweat dripping off and his head and he was breathing slowly. Not a good sign.

"I'm...I'm sorry..Moose." He breathed out. "I ruined..your birthday..." I just shook my head and hushed him. He has nothing to be sorry about. "I shouldn't....have the aquarium...I'm sorry." He said closing his eyes. I ran to my bathroom and ran some cold water under a washcloth before going back to him. I put it on his forehead, brushing some hair away. I flip my hair to the side again to look at him better.

"Its not your fault Max. Just stay with me. The doctor is on her way." I said putting pressure on his leg again. He nodded his head. "WHERE IS SHE!?" I yelled downstairs. The door flung open and Lula, the pack doctor, came rushing in.

"I'm right here. What happened?" She said looking at Max and checking his temperature.

"We went to the aquarium and we went to swim with some sharks and one of them bit his leg." I told her, moving away so she could check his leg. She nodded and took the cloth off of his leg. She hissed and started rummaging through her bag. "What's wrong?"

"No time to explain. You need to help me." She said. I nodded and ran up to her. "Now. I need to clean his leg out and it will hurt so you need to hold Max down when he starts screaming." I nodded and went by Max. His eyes were still closed and he was still burning. I grabbed his arms and straddled him. Don't think anything sexual. I am straight. "Okay. One. Two. Three." She said. I didn't see what she was doing but Max started screaming and tried to sit up and tried getting out if my grip.

"It hurts!" He yelled. I know. I know Max. Just hang on. "Ow. Stop it!" He still yelled. "STOP! I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Luis. You have to knock him out. Now." Lula said. Max was still screaming and it pained me to see one of my pack members in pain. Especially my best friend. "Alpha. Now." I brought my hand back and punched him hard enough to make him pass out. "Good. Now come help me." She said. I quickly got off of him and saw his leg was all cleaned but there was still a big gash in his lower leg/ankle area. "I have to stitch it up and you need to hold his leg still. He might be passed out but his wolf isn't." She said. I nodded and held his leg as she stitched it up.

A half hour later she was all done. She cleaned everything up as I looked at Max. He was deathly pale, his body was limp and he was barley breathing.

"When he wakes up he will be in pain." She told me. "Give him some pain killers. His wolf will help him with healing but it will take a little. I hope you two are okay." I nodded and she left. I looked over at Max and laid down by him. I will not lie but Max is pretty attractive. I don't have a crush on him by any means but he's attractive. He is just attractive to me.

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