Chapter 20

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I know it has been long and I am so sorry. Again, Sorry, I hope you like this. BIG SHIT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN EVERYONE!!

The night was cold. I took a deep breathe then plunged into the water. The water was freezing as it came in contact with my skin. The more I swam down the more I thought about Moose. Well his real name is Luis but all of our friends called him Moose. I told him not to jump in but he did. It is the middle of January so obviously it was cold but he didn't listen to me. He wanted to prove he was the Alpha of our pack. His beta, Issac, did it two years ago.

It is weird how it all started like that. Just that small lake that made me fall in love with my best friend. The reason how I my life changed for the better. I am not complaining at all. These last couple of months have been crazy and to think I fell in love with Moose so quickly. I know it is also the pull of the mate bond but it was nice. I am glad we didn't take it slow. We can take it slow now and love each other through all of it.

"Hey baby." I look over at my door and find my lovely boyfriend leaning against the door. I smiled wide and jumped off the bed before jumping onto him and kissing him. He is so handsome with short hair. It is still long enough for me to run my hands through and I just love him. I pull away from Moose and look at his beautiful eyes.

"How was training today? The little ones didn't give you a hard time right?" I asked. He just shook his head and took  me over to the bed. He laid me down before taking my shirt off.

"No, they were fine but I think I need to do training on you." I smirked and pulled his head down to kiss him.

"DAD!" I groan in my head as Peter comes into the room. That's right, Peter started calling us Dad and Daddy and I am so happy but god... Trust me, I love Peter. He is my son but sometimes I just want him to bug off every once in a while. Moose doesn't complain though and gets of off me before giving Peter a bear hug.

"What is it little man?" He asked. Peter started calling us dad and papa after the day Axaver came here a couple of weeks ago.

"When can Axaver come back?" Axaver has visited a couple of times since the first but he hasn't come in about a week. But Peter never calls him Isaac because Moose gets really angry.

"Has he not contacted you?" I asked, genuinely confused because Axaver calls at least once a day to come over. Peter shook his head with a small frown and looked close to crying. Something is wrong. Isaac wouldn't call for anything. He hates Peter still, Axaver told us that he takes over so he can call Peter. I sit there for a second before linking the pack.

"Who has seen Isaac?" 

I get a chorus of "I haven't" and that is when I start worrying because we know he hasn't left pack grounds. We would have felt him leave. Everybody would have. I look over at Moose and find him already staring at me with worried eyes. Thankfully Peter had his head in Moose's chest. 

"Don't worry baby, we will figure it out. Just stay here and we will go find him and set him straight." Moose says. Peter just nods and hugs him tighter before leaving.

"I want volunteers searching for Isaac right now!"

Moose calls through the link. I stand up and grab my boyfriends hand before heading downstairs. We get to Isaac's room that is in the pack house and listen for a heartbeat but it is completely silent. I open the door and everything is fine but he isn't here. I sniff around and notice his scent is not even here, like he hasn't been here for a while. I look over at Moose starting to get more worried as time went by. We then go through the entire house trying to find something by end up with nothing. 

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