Chapter 8

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Sorry its late. Star if you like :)
Picture of Kyle. The guy from the movie theatre.

*Mooses pov*

I ran through the woods in my wolf form. Snow was falling from the sky making it hard to see but I didn't stop. I made a mistake doing what I did. My mate is coming soon and I just felt more peasure than I ever had in a long time. I shouldbt have felt that. Max is only my friend.

"Luis, you get back here this instant." My mother mind linked me. I couldn't though. So I just cuz off my mind link to everyone and continued to go through the forest as a fresh white blanket of snow conceded the ground.


I looked out at the town and sighed. I was freezing because I am now in my human form and the snow is still falling. My body is kind of going into survival mode right now. My wolf shut me out because I didn't answer anyones calls for me to come back.

I was on a cliff Max and I discovered when we were ten. He probably doesn't even remember it. I come here once a week. I wonder what everyone is doing right now. Probably went back inside the house and said 'just wait, he will be back soon.' It is like nine-thirty so its already dark.

I heard a branch break behind me but I didn't turn around. I heard someone shirft so I know it's a werewolf. The smell was masked with snow so I couldn't tell who it was. Arms wrapped around me and knew just who it was. their legs sat on the side of me and I could feel their man-hood pressed against my back.

"Jesus Moose, you're freezing." Max said. I chuckled and snuggled closer to him.

"You are going to freeze too if you don't go back to the house." I said grabbing his hands. I intwinded our fingers and felt his head rest against my back.

"I don't care. You are going to freeze so I'm warming you up." He sighed and I shivered at his hot breath. "Why did you tun off?" He asked resting his chin in my shoulder. I shook my head and leaned back on his shoulder.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said. He nodded his head and hugged me tighter, making it comfy but also uncomfortable because of his southern region.

"Okay. Well I'm part of the pack again so that's good right?" He asked. His breathe was fanning acrossed my chest. I nodded again.

We stayed like that for hours. We didn't talk and I actually fell asleep for a bit but Max said he didn't mind. We just looked st the stars and the city. It wasn't an awkward silence. It was quite comfortable.

"Come on. Its time to go back and you need your rest. Tomorrow you will feel your mates emotions." Max said. Somewhere I swear I heard sadness but I knew that wasn't true. He doesn't like me like that. I just know he doesn't.

"Alright. Race you?" I suggested getting to my feet. He nodded and shifted, as did I. "Three, two, one!" I yelled through our link. We both took off running back to the house, laughed even though it didn't sound like laughing because of out wolf's.


Max and I shifted back to our human forms and laughed. Neither of us won, which was okay. We pushed eachother through the door still laughing. I looked at the time and saw it was 11:56. Four more minutes till I know my mates emotions.

"Luis! Where have you been? You scared your mother and I!" Alpha came down the stairs yelling. Max and I stopped laughing and looked at Alpha.

"Like you care. You want me gone. Ever since Zack died." I slightly whispered. Alpha just scoffed and rolled his eyes and me.

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