Chapter 6

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A/n. Thanks for reading. I know this isn't a good book but thanks.. Alright you know the deal, Star If you like :) Picture of Mooses mom, Luna Linda

Max pov

Me and Moose stayed there on the bed for at least 10 minutes not talking. He knows that I want answers but I won't pressure hin into telling me. So I sat there staring at him. I could tell he was uncomfortable but I didn't care.

" I don't know why I did it Max." He whispered. "You were just right there and I wanted to know what it was like to kiss a guy..." He still whispered. I nodded and stared at the door. It wasn't fascinating or anything I was just trying to wrap my head around everything. If he really wanted to kiss me he could've just asked.

"But Moose, you have a girlfriend and you are finding your mate soon. Aren't you happy?" I asked. He sighed and flopped on his back.

"Yes. I know I have a girlfriend and I will be finding my mate soon but I don't know. You have always been there for me and my wolf is at ease when we are around you. Can't I just reject my mate and give away the Alpha title and we just leave and live together?" I stared at him with my mouth ajar. He wants to what?

"Moose. You aren't thinking right now. Your mate is your other half, you can't just reject him or her. Your wolf will eventually die." I said.

"I know, I know but you were just right there. I don't know okay?" He said. I sighed at his confusion and got up off of the bed. I held out of my hand and he looked at it curiously. "Where are we going?" He asked. I grabbed his hand and yanked him up. "Max, come one. Just tell me." I shook my head and pulled him downstairs, running out of the door.

I decided I wasn't going to be a jerk and let him dwell on this so I'm making up his best friend birthday party. Even if my foot was killing me.

"Car keys." I said with my hand out stretched when we got outside. He sighed and tug into his pocket before giving me his keys and sliding into the passenger seat. I got into the drivers seat and drove to our destination.

"Can I know now?" I shook my head. "Can I guess where we are going and if I get it right then you say I did?" I shook my head with a smile this time. He made a groaning sound and I just laughed. I didn't want to ruin the suprise dipshit.

"Shut up and go to sleep. We will be there is two hours." I said. He groaned again but eventually did as I said. I turned the radio on and heard Fall Out Boy. I kept the volume low but had a one-man party. I didnt want to wake up Moose.


Two hours later I ended up at the aquarium on the way other side of town where there were no sharks. I know Moose is in love with animals and I just know he is sad that we never saw the turtles.

I looked at Moose with a sad smile. He's getting his mate soon. He's going to be so preoccupied with his mate and Alpha duties that he won't even have time for me. That sent a pain to my heart but I couldn't be sad. A mate is the best thing you could have. I shook Moose awake and he yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"Where are we?" He asked. I smiled and pointed to the building. He looked at it then turned to be with wide eyes. "No, you got hurt last time. I'm not letting that happen again." He stated. I rolled my eyes and took his head in my hands.

"I made sure this ones doesnt have sharks and I know you're sad that you couldn't see the turtles and this has so many turtles." I said with a smile.

"Okay." He sighed. "Lets go." He said getting out of my hold and opening the door. I know he is smiling. I can just tell.

We quickly got inside with Moose practically dragging me. I paid for two to of us, much to Mooses disapproval.

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