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Wednesday afternoons. Supposedly everybody's day off. That's the plan. They wanted to make it all about me. But that wasn't really what I asked for.
I only really wanted to spend time with Cy. At least that was my plan.

Cy held me on the sofa as we were both binge watching Ichigo Mashimaro. Or...Strawberry Marshmallow. One of my fave anime's at the time. However due to Cy's waves it kept freezing and skipping so instead of binge watching we just cuddled. Keeping each other company in each others arms. It was only there for background noise.

There was a loud clapping sound coming from behind us.

"何しているの!? Yo' can't be on her like that!"
Noodle reached from behind Cy. Dragging her off me and setting her on the floor as if she was an animal of some sort.
"Yo' could hurt her!"

"Ugh, Noodle!"
I winged, giving an embarrassed look. I was also a bit annoyed. Did she just, remove my girlfriend?
"She wasn't hurting me Noodz. Gods!"

"She could have! Yo' need rest. Not her smothering yo'."
She pulls out a bottle and shakes it.
"Now. Time to take your meds."

I let out an annoyed groan as Cy then pushes her out of the way and climbs back on the sofa with me.

"I took them today already. Can i have a bit of privacy please?"

Noodle then pulls Cy off me again, which was only responded by Cy squirming and going back to me.

Cy then wraps her arms around me, burying her face in my chest moments before being pulled off again.

"NOODLE! Doko ka ni itte!"
I shouted at her to go away in Japanese.
"The only thing hurting me is your smothering! Just let me be with my girlfriend!"

"私は過保護ではありません. Cy-Chanは本当にあなたを傷つけることができます.彼女にキスする代わりに、私と一緒に時間を過ごしてください。楽しそう.同意しますか?"

I let out a groan of annoyance and anger as I sat up with a groan.

"C'mon Cy. Let's go."
Getting up I drag Cy down the hallway with me. If I couldn't be in the living room then the game room should be the best place. They've got TV, a pool table, mini fridge, sofa, arcade games...even though it made Cy feel a bit hazy due to the amount of electronics, it was my best option. Anywhere besides my room. It got so cramped in there sometimes, you know.
Upon entering the room the door slammed behind us.
"Did you just close the door?"

Cy nods. I stared in a bit of disbelief. The door had been broken. It never shut. Ever. Going to turn the knob and pull it...wouldn't open.

"Did i do something wrong?"

I gave the knob a few more yanks before just giving a long sigh.

"The door's broken in this room. There's a reason it wasn't supposed to shut."
I then sat on the sofa with a groan.
"How are we supposed to get out?"

"We could always go through Miss Noodle's room."

"Nope. Tha's your funeral. Not mine. Besides, the other side of the door is a shelf go."

I shook my head rapidly. If one thing was for sure, Noodle's room was off limits without her permission. Sure it had two doors and a beautiful back garden but to even think about entering without her say so was a death sentence.

"We can use the lift. Go to the first floor."
Cy suggested pointing at the golden doors that had "OUT OF ORDER" written in big bold letters. There was no way. I wasn't about to experience it for myself but the band have told me stories that the lift took you places that weren't in the Studio. Like. Out of this world. They could have been on drugs of course but I didn't want to risk it.
I shook my head once more.
"What are your options, if we can't get out? Stay in here forever? I could always break the door down."

Gorillaz and Me (Pt.5)Where stories live. Discover now