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Finally. The warm embrace I've been needing for ages. And I'm not talking about the extremely foam padded bed. It was Cy's warm embrace I needed most.

In hospital, she wasn't aloud to go in due to her radio waves that might disrupt monitors and equipment.
Out of everyone, I missed her most.
I couldn't quite lay on my right side due to my ribs still on the mend, so I had to deal with laying on my other side facing the doorway and...where Cy was laying beside me. She gently grazed her two fingers along my still stitched scar on my cheek. It did sting a bit, but i knew she meant no harm

"Does it hurt?"
She mumbled softly in her monotone voice. I shook my head, clamping my teeth together not to show her any signs of it stinging.
"Did it hurt when it happened? When you-"

"I'm...I'm alright, really."
I croaked out softly moving her hand away from my face to hold it.
"It only stings a little, yeah, but I feel loads better now that you're here with me."

"Perhaps I could make it better for you?"

I stared at her in a way of confusion, trying to shift to a more comfortable position.

"Better? How?"
In an almost instant she was straddling me, her lightweight body pressed against mine as she then kissed the top of my head where it had once been held together by stitches, a scab and a few undissolved stitches remained.
I felt my cheeks warm up causing my still wounds to sting a little.

"Hush now Mistress. I will make you feel better."
I chuffed a bit as she kissed my head again.

"I don't think kisses will make me better? But thank you for-"
She then places small pecks on the side of my face where it was stitched and scabbed, Holding my breath a bit. Never has a kiss been so painful. I squeaked a bit as i held my breath, feeling slight pressure on my ribs.
Apparently she had noticed because as soon as I made that noise she had pulled away.

"Are you alright? Am i hurting you?"

"N-Not at all."
I released my breath and held her cheeks. She seemed to believe in the fact that kisses had healing powers. I found it cute how she had a such a strong belief that she could heal me with her kisses alone.
"I'm alright. Honest. It's just that kisses never usually help with things so severe. If it was a graze or a bump maybe but. I need something more useful than kisses to get better from this. N-Not that you're kisses aren't powerful. I-I just need loads of rest, pain meds and your lovely kisses helping me."

I couldn't just break her beliefs. Plus, Cy's kisses were the best. Like...eating fizzy candy. Sweet, but it had that tingly sensation. She left that feeling all over.

Cy gave a nod and placed a kiss softly on my cheek again, of course it stung but I let her do it anyways. It made her happy. Even if it stung like Hell.

"Mistress? When you recover from your injuries, do you think we can spend more time together?"

"More time?"
I blinked a bit confused. We're we not spending enough time together already?
We were practically inseparable.

"Going out, Is what I mean."
She mumbled as she gave my cheek another kiss, getting a little too close to my lips.
"Just us together. Alone with each other. Nobody else."

"Oh. Like...a date? Sure."
I gave a nervous giggle as I turned my head to kiss her lips. Knowing well that's what she was trying to do.
"Also...if you wanted to kiss me properly, you can."

"Did you want me to kiss you there?"
I felt her cheeks become warm as I continued to have my hands on her face. She was obviously blushing as I nod my head, my face feeling flustered as I held her face softly.

"You can kiss me anywhere. I-I wouldn't mind..."
I stuttered anxiously as she kissed me once more, letting it linger only to have it stop when she placed her hand down to my torso where I also had a massive gash, it was nearly healed but still bruised. It was where i had broken my ribs. Flinching a little I bit my lip and tensed up. It didn't hurt bad. Only as if someone had used me as their football and kicked me there several times.

"You are hurt here also?"

I gave her a nod as she lifted up, lifting up my shirt a little before I stopped her.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait! D-D-Don't."
I looked at her, feeling my face heat up again, her hand graze against my large bruise, which went all the way up my ribcage, part of it ending just below my-
"I-I'm not wearing anything under my shirt."
I gave her a serious look.

The doctors wouldn't allow me to wear any sort of bra or covering on my chest due to pressure and restricting expansion when I breathe. It was kind of embarrassing, but until I was healed enough all I could do was go commando.

"Try and relax. I wont try anything inappropriate, I only want to make you feel better."
With my face still flustered I lift my shirt up past my stomach, stopping at where my breasts were so she wasn't able to see anything. Just my stomach and my ribcage where the bruises and scars were.
"You are... Broken..."

I give her a nod and look at her watching her yellow eyes glaze over to blue. Her eyebrows furrow as she placed a hand on my ribs. Was she going to cry? No. She couldn't! Please anything but that!

"H-Hey! It's alright! I'm alright! I'm here, yeah?"
I placed my hands on her wrists and sniffled, feeling myself tear up.
"D-Don' cry okay. Because...I-If yew cry... 'm gonna cry and den...and den i definitely won't feel better!"

My voice began to crack watching her expression. It wasn't exactly easy. She thought I was broken and hurt. I was in some way but I was fine now. Nothing was gonna hurt me anymore. And that was a promise I was willing to keep.

"Promise me."
She hovered over me. Her face centimetres away from mine. She still looked like she was going to cry. Which... She never does unless it was for something extreme. But, this wasn't extreme. I was here. And alive! Everything was fine!
"Promise me you won't dare hurt yourself again. And, if you feel like hurting yourself come to me. I will make it better. Promise me you won't hurt yourself."

Tears began to form as I wrapped my arms around her. Giving a nod. I couldn't stand the thought of her crying. I pulled her in close, kissing her softly once more. My breath quivering due to the tears streaming down my face as i felt myself start to cry.

"I-I promise Cy. I promise..."

Gorillaz and Me (Pt.5)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang