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No. No. No. No. No! This cant be happening. No! This is a nightmare! A FUCKING NIGHTMARE!

Recently since my panic attack I've been waking up with bad headaches. Enough to put anyone in a terrible mood.
Stepping into the bathroom doing my regular rout. Shower, teeth, dress my self, brush my hair.

As soon as the fog from the mirror cleared up I took one look at myself and dropped my hair brush. I wanted to scream. This couldn't be real. Absolutely not!

There, deep in my roots was a deep shade of...what looked like a deep black, or possibly blue?
I felt sick, i wanted to scream but i held my mouth shut and wanted to cry.

Grabbing my towel I placed it around my body and another around my hair. I could NOT be seen like this. Not like this. Everyone was so sure I was Murdoc's kid. The tests from Graham came back perfectly clear. Murdoc. I was MURDOC'S KID! not that half-twink blue was impossible! It had to of been the hair conditioner. But it was white not blue.

I closed the door behind me rather quickly. There was a small knock on my door.

"Sia love. Are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah mum im fine a text from-"
In an instant in panic I tripped right over my manga landing directly on the ground, my forehead hitting my bed frame.
"Ow! Fuck!"

She opens the door to me getting up off the floor. I held the towel to my head keeping it there

"I'm fine."
I groan embarrassed that I was so clumsy.

"This is why you should pick up your shit love. So you don't fall. I'll let you get dressed."
Closing my door I continue on with my panic attack. What would I do, or say if anybody found out I was growing BLUE HAIR?
Ok...I can do this, I can handle this...right now its just my roots. I can hide it for now. But how? I had no caps or anything to cover my head except for a toboggan that I've no worn for years.
Slipping that on my head after getting dressed I stepped out of my room and into the kitchen for my breakfast. Nothing too impressive, just a PB&J.
"All fixed up love?"

Mum asks as she sits on the sofa.

"Y-Yeah. All good Mum. Just a bump."

"Isn't it a bit hot for a toboggan love?" Here we go...If I had to say anything it was now...but I couldn't possibly tell her directly.

"Yeah, But I like it."
I sighed, sitting next to her with my sandwich. It's time for some questions, and answers.
"Hey Mum. You ever wonder who my dad really is?"

"Heh, that's a bit direct. I mean, to be honest I never really got to know Murdoc like I know Stu. We kind of know."

"No, not personality wise...person wise. Like which one. Mudz? D? S-Some other bloke maybe?"
Mum furrows her eyebrows in confusion. It was obvious that she had no idea what I was talking about. I shook my head and exhaled slowly.
"Where do I get my blue eyes and blond hair anyways?"

Mum blinks, as if I was speaking another language. I was pretty sure I was speaking the gods plain English.
"You and Mudz have dark eyes and dark hair, It would only make since if both Graham and I did too right? So, why don't I?"

"I-I don't know love? Genetics are a strange fhing. Maybe-"

"Was I adopted?"
I blurted out. I knew that I wasn't but I just wanted her to say it. To say that I was 100% Hers and Murdocs. Not D not some other random bloke (although it would probably be best if I was) I just had to hear it. I needed to.

"Heavens no Sweets. Where on Earth did you get that from?"
She shifted to face me. My heart felt heavy as I still was in a panicked state about my blue hair.
"You and Graham both came from me. Believe me, it's a pain you never want to experience. And as for the tests we already got them back as Murdocs DNA, so really there's no need to look so stressed."

Gorillaz and Me (Pt.5)Where stories live. Discover now