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"Oy. Pull yewr shirt down love. I can see yewr belly."
2D states as he reads a newspaper.

"It's a crop top D. I can't just...Pull it down."
I stated looking in the fridge for something to drink. The sound of footsteps were heard fallowed by a harsh


Right side, all down my thigh burned and stung harshly. Turning around i saw a simple framed, black haired goddess with a soft smirk on her face.

"What? What happened? What she do?"
2D looked up from his reading.

She states giving me a glare.
She hit me really hard I'll admit it stung. I knew it wasn't a fucking mosquito.
As much as I wanted to hit her I couldn't risk starting an actual fight in the kitchen. What she did was less of a turn on and more of an assault.
Shoving her away I storm off to the game place to chill. Now thanks to that smack my bum needs ice.
I pull out an ice pack filling it with water...and ice.

Pulling out my phone and laying on the sofa I open Twitter. Nothing out of the ordinary...though I did have a few fans, however most people just thought I was Role playing or whatever and to a point i was. If i couldn't live out my fantasy in real live i could do it online. Plus the people were nice.

There was a loud thud on the ground fallowed by a grumble.

"Love, if you're gonna wear a skirt at least make it less obvious or...wear shorts at least."

Looking back I see Mudz set down his bass.
Flustered I closed my legs.

"Then don't look. Pervert."

I stated before flipping him off. It wasn't a show for him anyways.

"Listen here ya little-"
He stopped himself and grumbled again.
"That mouth or yours is gonna get you in a load of trouble some day lass. I suggest you watch it before i get your mum on your arse. Now go change that bloody outfit."

I scoffed, sitting up.

"Right. Like she's gonna do somethin' about it. Anyhow, what's the big issue this time? Mum lets me dress this way all the time."

I could tell his blood was beginning to boil now however, I wasn't phased. To be honest it was somewhat amusing.

"I'm sorry. No, wait. Im not."
He placed his hands on his hips.
"I had no idea this was a WHORE HOUSE!"

"Oh. So because I dress like this it makes me a slag?"
I folded my arms, just pushing his buttons more.
"Noodle dresses like this too you know. Why can't I?"

"Go change!"
He snapped back.

I threw myself on the sofa and groaned loudly.

"FINE! I will later."
I laid back down and got back on my phone. So many notifications. Not even knowing where he was he snatched my phone away from me.
"Hey, what you playin' at!? I said I'd do it later!"

"Now, Sia. I'm not playing any more of your bratty games."

Attempting to reach for my phone he lifts it higher away from me. Okay...i was done playing around.

"Give me back me phone!"
I shouted reaching for it again.
"Now, Murdoc 'm not playin'!"

"I'm not either. Change! Now!"

Feeling my face get hot i gritted my teeth.

"FINE! I will! Right now!"
Taking the edges of my top I lift it above my head. Slinging it across the room in anger. I was still in a bra but at this point i didn't care.

Gorillaz and Me (Pt.5)Where stories live. Discover now