💛 Chapter 2- Meeting 💛

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Deku's pov

I was in the balcony looking at the nice view after my father made me talk to almost everyone here. It's already like 6 and I'm already pissed of because of what happened earlier.

A few hour before

"Yes, this is my son and the soon to be new CEO. I hope you get along as well as we do" said dad to the CEO of the company and the birthday boy.

"Hi, My name is Izuku it's nice to finally meet both of you" i said as I reach my hand out to them. They shake my hand and we continue the conversation.

A little later i was alone with the CEO talking about business and things we could do to improve both companies. It's was actually a pleasant conversation until he asked me about my past relationships.

"I don't want to talk about it if you don't mind" i said but he got closer and asked again. "Umm I already told you that I don't-" i was cut off by Hanta grabbing my mouth and pinning me against the wall.

And since we were alone in this area where no one was at i couldn't exactly ask for help or anything. I'm pretty strong but for some reason I couldn't break from his grip.

I couldn't talk, walk away or anything just look at him and listen. " Now come on why won't you tell me...is it because your embarrassed because you never been in a relationship? There's no need to be embarrassed little boy I can be your first" he said with this smirk.

I finally get free from his grip and flip him off "Go fuck yourself asshole" i said and left. I went to get something to drink and felt arms wrap around me from the back.

"I thought i told you to go f- oh! It's you!" I was shocked at who I was looking at. It was my first friend after middle school " Denki!" I say as I hug him back.

"It's been so long man, how have you been?" I asked with all that stress from earlier fading away. "I'm good, im not sure if you know the new rinsing band? Well I'm the lead singer and the others are my friends" he said "No way seriously! Im like your biggest fan, i have t shirts, posters, cups and others stuff!" I said as I was kinda exited to meet the lead singer of my favorite band.

"I didn't know it was you with those masks" i said giggling a little. "Aww man I missed you so much" he said hugging me again " And you always with your wild hair like always not fixing it " he said messing up my hair more.

"I like it like this plus i look weird with those fancy hair styles" i said pouting and taking a sip from my drink.

"So what happened earlier before I got to you, you looked mad or upset?" He asked and the stress came back. "Oh I just had a little argument with the birthday boy" i said looking away.

"You mean Sero? Why he's such a nice guy" he said that and made me even more mad. "He's and asshole!" I said and explained what happened and to my surprise he was actually shocked.

"I didn't know he would do that to someone, maybe he was just teasing or something man because that very rare coming from him" he said but i really didn't care. I just hope he doesn't do it again because he is my company friend and we need...to...get along...

Denki's pov

After a while Izuku wanted to be alone outside so I went to Sero and ask what happened. He told me the same scene but in his perspective he was just flirting.

He was really bad at it because he always ends up hurting their feelings or something else. But i never thought that he would like My Izuku.

I won't let this happen, Izuku is supposed to end up with me, i understand what he's been through and I know him better than anyone.

I continue hearing Sero ramble about how cute Izuku is and other subjects but i won't let him take Izuku from me...

Hi guys, i made another chapter but i really want to finish My lil hero first then put all my attention to this one! Thanks for reading my shit guys bye!

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