💛 Chapter 3- Unwanted bonding time 💛

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Izuku's pov

After that annoying party last night I couldn't sleep properly. After what that  guy said at the party i just kept thinking about the past.

If Kacchan we're here he would have already hit me for thinking of the past. He was always there for me in the past and he was the one who beat some sense into me.

And for so e reason I think he was protecting me from other people as well.

In the past i was the only rich kid in school. I was there because I didn't want to say goodbye to Kacchan and mom gave me permission to go. But once everyone found out about my family status and how rich I was they were....let's say nicer than usual.

I started dating in my late elementary school years but they never lasted because of Kacchan. At least that's what I thought but it has something to do with Kacchan.

Apparently Kacchan found out that they were using me for fame and for my money. That's why Kacchan would scare them away or make them break up with me without telling me why.

After i was almost done with middle school i was dumped by this girl who did the same as the others and insulted me in so many ways i decided to never date girls again.

I slowly became gay as i started to like some of my friends and so I asked Kacchan what that meant. He told me it was normal to like a guy but it would be hard because of society.

With that i slowly understood that i can never fall in love because there were consequences.

Ever since then i tried not to fall for anybody and just focus on my future. I did had a small crush on Kacchan because he was always protecting me and being sweet to me when I was sad.

I never told him because I was scared of losing him, he was my light, my hope, my strength and i couldn't lose him before I could make it up to him for everything he has done for me.

When we finished high school we went our separate ways. I was on the college for business and to succeed my father's company and Kacchan went to a music college to follow his dream of being a singer.

I will meet him again because we promised to work together. Because he would be my company's best singer as he said.

And as time passed by i slowly lost interest in Kacchan as a crush and i told him. He said it was ok and started to ramble with that big ego of his.

He became a singer, formed a bang and now he's famous. He said he would come tomorrow to the party to celebrate the new CEO.

I decided to go on my morning run to clear my head and see if I can rest a little. As usual I got the same reactions or actions from the people I ran passed at the area.

I stop to buy a cold smoothie i was craving and as i was waiting for it, I got a message from dad telling me that I had a meeting with the CEO i hated so much this afternoon. As i send and ok i tell the kind lady to make my smoothie the biggest size she had as i start telling in my head.

I get my smoothie, pay her and thank her then leave as peacefully as I can now that i have my smoothie. Once I get home I had already finished the extra large cup of smoothie. But as i thought I was still mad at the idea of having a meeting with that perv.

Even so i started to painfully slowly get ready for this meeting.  I put my list of Rock songs as i rage all over my house.

After an hour or so i leave for my meeting early to prepare mentally in the place where we are meeting. Maybe I'll get something to drink or anything to clear my head... Wish me luck Kacchan, wherever you are...

That's all for this one guys, sorry it took long. I was a little busy with school for leaving everything for the last minute. I hope you enjoyed it, have a great day or night bye!

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