💛 Chapter 4- Unexpected 💛

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Izuku's pov

I arrived  pretty early but when i was taken to where we would be talking he was already here. *FUCK!* I yelled in my head as i fake a smile and sit in front of him.

"Good afternoon...Hanta" i said as i grab the menu and look around for a strong drink or maybe another smoothie. "I can tell your mad at me" he said pulling down the menu in my hands a little to see my face.

I slam the menu against the table to look at him "who wouldn't be mad after you treat people like this on there first meeting! Plus, what kind of impression do you think I have now that you are my future business partner!" I said looking through the menu again.

"Hey look i know i came of as a bad guy but if i can be honest...i only act like that when i like someone. Im really bad at flirting with people..." He said "look to make it up to you I'll buy you anything and we can go anywhere you want to get to know each other" he said i just nodded because didn't like the idea but I had to try.

We finished the meeting smoothly and left to "enjoy" our day together so he can make it up to me. We went to the mall as we were dressed so everyone was looking at us as we passed by.

We went clothes shopping, and stopped in a few music and anime stores on the way. We went to eat something before heading home and i was kinda upset because I was actually enjoying myself.

It felt like I was with Kacchan having fun but with Sero and it's rare for me to have fun with someone. He took me home since I told my driver to leave early and when he was about to leave he planted a kiss on my cheek turning me red once I closed the door.

This can't be happening...i can't be falling in love with him just from one kiss that wasn't even a good kiss. Izuku Hizashi Midoria get yourself together, your going to be the new CEO of your company and there's no need for distractions.

I went to my room and put away my things to get changed and go to sleep.

The next day

I woke up in shock because I had a dream with Sero and it wasn't a normal one. In the dream he and i were living together in a big house, a puppy and i think we were married as well.

I remember that he grabbed me by my waist getting closer to my face and pulling my body closer to his as he leans even closer and....i woke up...

Not gonna lie a part of me kinda wanted to keep dreaming. I started to get ready to get that though off of my mind before I go to work in the afternoon.

I usually go to work at 12pm so i take this time for my routine. After i did my routine I come back, take a shower, eat, get ready and head to work before 12pm.

I arrive and everyone greets me kindly and return the greeting. I head to my father office and as I enter i only get a face full of confetti and an ear full of yells.

"Welcome to your new office son!" "Congratulations lil bro!" Said my dad and brother. "Oh thanks guys but I thought that was later today?" I said as i clean myself.

"Well yeah, but Dad couldn't wait" said Shiggy and i giggled a little before going to them and hugging them. "Thank you so much guys" i said.

"I can assure you that your mom would be proud of you...of both of you my boys" dad said. Mom died a few years ago after she got sick out of nowhere with a very rare disease.

Non of us cought it but she already had a weak body and couldn't last. I really miss her and sometimes I feel like i can hear her, i just say that she's here with me as an angel watching over us.

That's all for this chapter guys. I hope you enjoyed it and sorry I took long but I had a major writers block so yeah. Bye guys!

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