Chapter 2

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"You both stink of alcohol, it is disgusting. Almost as bad as your mother!" Steve Wesley stated as Alastair and Ace walked into his office, ready to hear what was ahead of them on a fine sunny Thursday morning.

Steve Wesley was not the kind of man you would want to mess with. He owned Wesley incorporated – a company that could only compare to the likes of Amazon. He had built it up, almost out the blue, from nothing when he was in his twenties; but now in his sixties and nearing retirement he had become grumpier, meaner, power hungry and more aggressive than he ever used to be, putting countless amounts of pressure onto his sons who were nowhere near ready to take over the company yet. He, like his eldest son Alastair, had dark brown hair waxed to his scalp and was always immaculately dressed. He was very thin and his gaunt face made his green eyes bulge out like a sparrows. He still lived with the boy's mother, Mikaela who was near enough ten years his junior. She used to be drop dead gorgeous but a life of living with a man like Steve Wesley would mess anyone up and she now lived her days drinking herself to oblivion in a separate part of their humongous mansion in the Surrey hills. She liked to always wear plasticky pink and had beautiful blue eyes, but over the years her age had started to really catch up with her. Together Steve and Mikaela had three boys – Alastair the eldest at thirty two was not a very nice man, taking after his father in every way possible and desperate to take over the company once his dad retired; Ace was twenty eight, a more polite young man, taking more traits from his mother's side, and although put on a front of being masculine and aggressive so no one took the piss out of him he also had a softer side, but this was rarely seen. Ace was very tech savvy and liked a challenge meaning, unfortunately for Alastair, he was naturally better at the job on near enough all occasions. The youngest brother was Aaron, just out of his teens at the ripe age of twenty. He had no idea what to do with his life and was bumming around travelling with some friends. Aaron was useless at anything and much the baby of the family; he had the worst traits of both his mother and father; blonde, dirty, ruffled hair that hung down to his shoulders and cold blue eyes that were nearly always covered by sunglasses however made him irresistible to the girls he met along his path.

"Oh, just sit down both of you, for fucks sake! Where did you go this time?" Steve twiddled his pen in his fingers, looking at his sons in disgust. They were out near enough every night and the state they were getting into was not an image he wanted to portray.

"Sevens. It's great in there... Ace had a good time. Took Paris again!" Alastair replied, sitting down whilst straightening out his navy suit jacket.

Ace took his seat and shook his head, hitting Alastair on the arm, "mate, that is finished. She is such a waste of space, total airhead! But yes, it was fun."

"At least you both look presentable, which is more than I can say for last week." The boys both rolled their eyes, smirking. They did not get along a lot of the time but they always had fun out together. "Anyway..." Steve got up and walked around to the wall calendar placed neatly on his wooden bookshelf, "we have those interviews today. Remember we are looking for an intelligent secretary so please do not employ someone who is good looking, I am not having anymore romantic affairs within my company walls, do you understand?" He looked over at the boys meaning business. They both nodded in reply. "Excellent. Well off you go, take an espresso on your way out. You are going to need it. Twenty people are ready and waiting for their interviews with you both today, make good choices please."

"Yes dad", they both replied as they stood up, grabbing an espresso off the side near the coffee machine and made their way out. "So, how about last night? I know you said you didn't wanna go back to that bar but wow were the chicks in there hot!" Alastair said, grinning from ear to ear from another successful evening with the ladies.

Ace shook his head, "honestly, I was just pleased to get rid of Paris, she was doing my fucking nut in."

Alastair laughed as they reached the interviewing room and they both made themselves comfortable on the cushioned leather chairs. Ace straightened out his notebook and looked through the list of names for the day, following it with his finger until Alastair accidentally knocked his espresso cup, the liquid drenching the rest of Ace's list of interviewee's names as he threw himself back in his chair, "for fucks sake Alastair, what is wrong with you?" he said angrily, shaking his trousers which were now dripping with coffee.

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