Chapter 4

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"No, not Effie. You cannot take my darling girl."

"Give me the baby, Fay. She does not belong to you, she is too powerful."

"No, please Sen, Marin and I will do right by her. You cannot use her for evil purposes."

"It is too late Fay, Effie belongs to us. Marin step out the way."

"No, I am here to protect my daughter and her mother, you cannot have Effie. Over my dead body."

"As you wish Marin..."


Effie woke up panting, not able to catch her breath. She had never had a dream that had felt so real before. She looked over at Cade, sleeping like a log after another late shift. She pulled the covers off her and tiptoed into the living room, looking intensely at the picture on the side. She knocked into the walls as her sore hungover head wavered her vision slightly. She picked up the photo and recognised the woman and man in the photo from her dream – Fay and Marin, her parents. Fay had beautiful long wavy dirty blonde hair, piercing blue eyes and a smile that would dazzle any man in her presence; Marin had darker hair, a sweet looking face, brown eyes and a short beard. She didn't know who the other boy was in the photo but assumed he was family of some sort. She placed her fingers over the photo as she heard a knock at the door. Confused and not wanting to wake Cade, she placed the photo back down onto the table carefully and walked slowly into the hallway as the knocking continued. "Who is it?" Effie whispered, not used to anyone knowing where she lived.

"It's Suzie. I've come to apologise and to take you out for breakfast." Effie took off the silver chain and opened the door slowly, the light almost blinding her from the big windows in the main hallway. Suzie looked glamorous and did not look like she had been drinking well into the early hours of the morning, unlike Effie. "Wow, you look rough. Not sleep well? Or did someone else keep you up all night?" she winked.

Effie felt herself blush, "no, I slept alone thank you. Just had a rough night, weird dreams and I never dream. But anyway, breakfast did you say?" Suzie nodded. "Great, I am starving!"

Suzie edged inside, took one look around and walked back to the door, "I am going to wait outside Effie. Hurry up."

Effie shook her head as she walked towards the bedroom, being careful not to wake Cade up. He got angry if he didn't lie in after a late shift and she couldn't be bothered to deal with the consequence of that.


"Now, want to tell me about this dream of yours that kept you up all night?" Suzie asked, sipping her iced latte.

Effie looked around the café at all the bustling people then looked back at Suzie, her eyes focused on her. "Erm, no it's okay. I'm not quite sure what to make of it. Think it just threw me because I rarely dream."

Suzie nodded, "oh I see. Anyway, I actually invited you this morning for a reason..."

Effie took her caramel latte and sipped at it, worried about what Suzie was going to say, "oh yeah, and why's that then?"

"Alastair and I wanted to apologise for last night. We made things awkward between you and Ace in front of everyone and we're sorry. Don't want to start things off on a bad foot, we think you are a lovely girl, just think Alastair was pissed off that Ace had gone behind his back again and made him look lazy in front of their dad."

Effie nodded as she put her latte down. "So how come it is just you taking me out? Alastair too busy?"

Suzie glanced over at the door as the bell dinged letting the staff know they had customers and she smiled sneakily, "no, he just had someone else he had to collect first."

Love me or hate me it's still an obsessionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin