Chapter 10

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The week dragged on and Ace and Effie returned to work barely speaking to each other. Cade had moved back to his parents for a break whilst Effie was away which made her feel even more lonely and depressed than before. Steve piled the work onto Effie and a whole month went by of to-ing and fro-ing with him rather than Ace, meaning Effie could get along with her work without any confrontation with him. At the end of a successful month Steve announced to his employers he was throwing a party to congratulate them all on their efforts, congratulating Alistair individually, provoking Ace to snap in jealousy.

The evening was a hit, the drinks were flowing, the food was divine and like all events that Wesley Inc. put on the employers were having the time of their lives, apart from one. "Rita, I think I might go home, I am pretty beat!" Effie said, downing the rest of her champagne as she looked at her watch – nearly 11pm, she had done her duty.

Before Rita could reply they both turned around to hear Steve shout arrogantly at Ace. They had been arguing non-stop over the last couple of weeks and Effie was trying her best not to get involved. They watched Ace reach over the bar and grab a bottle of vodka and storm outside, swearing at whoever got in his way. Rita watched as Effie put her glass down and followed him out, her body pulling her unconsciously towards him. Effie walked over to the pillars by the side of the tall building Steve had hired for the event and saw Ace sitting on the steps swigging the vodka like it was water on a sweltering day. Ace looked at her uncaringly as she approached and turned to face the road again.

"Ace, I think you've had enough", she snapped, seeing him take longer swigs each and every time he brought the bottle to his lips.

Ace chuckled, "says who?" Effie shook her head and turned around, not wanting to deal with his bullshit any more than she had to. Ace threw the bottle at the pillar five feet away from him and stood up, facing her, "that's it, fucking walk off then!"

She ignored him and walked back into the party, sitting down with Rita annoyed. "Do I want to know what happened?" she asked.

Effie shook her head, hollering the waitress with the champagne flutes on a tray.

Rita turned as Ace reappeared and sat at a table a few feet away from them with Shaun and Rhys. Effie glanced over her shoulder as she heard an excited shriek that she recognised, "oh hi stranger..."

Effie rolled her eyes, not wanting to deal with Paris on top of everything else. Rita looked between Effie and the boy's table and rolled her eyes, ready for the drama to unfold. Paris budged in next to Ace and threw her hands on him, "I have missed you so much my dynamo man. You look so much more handsome than I remember. God you scrub up well."

"Sorry, who invited you here?" Shaun asked, knowing full well Ace had nothing to do with it.

"Suzie, duh! We are still the closest of friends. Where is that bitch anyway?" Paris asked, looking around the room. "Oh well", she turned back to face Ace, squishing in even closer to him, "my darling boy, how are you? Don't you think I look amazing? I have been on this diet for a few weeks and I swear I have lost so much weight. This dress practically slipped onto my bare skin..." She leant into Ace's ear, her tongue almost touching it, "do you remember how you used to slip my clothes off me, running your lips all the way down to my..."

"That's enough Paris. We are all here thanks", Rhys replied, looking sickened by her oversharing.

Paris threw them a dirty look and turned back to face Ace. He did not look impressed. "Oh cheer up darling, thought you would be pleased to see me. Don't you miss this..."

Ace smirked at how arrogant she was and how blind he had been before. Paris, oblivious, felt wanted as he leant close to her face, his lips almost touching hers when he suddenly looked her up and down dirtily, "fuck off Paris." He pushed her off him and slid out the booth, walking in any direction away from her.

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