Chapter 7

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"Effie, you're late!" Rita whispered as Effie ran to her desk, chucking her bag on the floor and sitting in her chair.

"Nope, no I'm not", she turned her computer on, "see", she said, pointing at the time, "thirty seconds to go", she said proudly, brushing her hair back down into place.

Rita laughed, "that's great. But you do know it is the charity car wash today. You have a meeting with Steve, Alistair and Ace this morning don't you?"

Effie's eyes dilated, "shit!" She scrambled her desk, grabbing the nearest notebook and pen and ran over to the room used for smaller meetings further down the corridor. She looked in the transparent window and noticed the three men there waiting. Feeling embarrassed she pushed open the door and grabbed the nearest chair she could find, which happened to be next to Ace.

Steve gathered his papers in his hands then placed them carefully in front of him, looking at his watch then back at Effie, "well, cutting it fine there Effie, but I suppose I cannot say you are late as you are not." Effie looked at the jug of water in the centre of the table, gasping for some, but too scared to move. "Anyway, let's cut to the chase, Ace has given me all the notes for this charity car wash today. It is a great idea, well done!" Effie smiled, feeling proud.

Alistair caught Effie's eye, "Ace here told us it was actually something you did at Sevens previously to raise some money. Is that correct?" Effie nodded. "Well then, we must thank your old boss as he must have been the creator of such a great idea. Cade is it?"

Effie felt Ace tense but tried to keep her eyes set firmly on Alistair, knowing he was after a reaction, "oh there is really no need. He isn't one for anything fancy or being thanked. To be honest he doesn't really know that we are doing the charity car wash anyway."

Alistair pushed his hand in front of him, "oh stop being so blazay about it Effie, we insist." He turned to Ace, "Ace, do you not agree?"

Ace looked at him, trying not to give any emotion away, "sure. Whatever you think Alistair."

Steve grinned, "excellent. Well after a successful day, which I am sure today will be, we have had a lot of interest, we can all go for a celebratory meal this evening at that fancy restaurant down the road, The Ivy. Effie, call Cade and let him know. Right, meeting adjourned."

Steve got up, grabbing his papers from the table and left abruptly. As soon as the door shut Alistair laughed, "wow, I could cut the tension between you two with a knife. Seriously guys, it is just a silly dinner", he leant across the table to Effie, "I am sure your boyfriend will be so pleased when he sees the way you two are together."

Ace slammed his fists on the table and stood up, "leave it alone Alistair."

Alistair got up, laughing and put his hands on his brother's shoulders, "oh Ace, learn to hide how you feel a bit better. You're going to need that later."

He walked out, leaving Ace with his back facing Effie as she stood up and picked up her notebook. "Erm, I'm going to go down and make sure everything is ready for today. Rita said she would help and my friend Hayley, from Sevens should be here soon. You still okay with her joining?"

Ace turned to face her, fiddling with the buttons of his neatly pressed shirt, "great. Will see you down there."

Effie put her hand to her mouth as she giggled before composing herself quickly, "sorry..."

Ace felt the corners of his lips curl, "what?"

"Nothing, honestly..."

Ace took a step forward, "no, seriously, what's so funny?"

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