Chapter 29

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"Ah, the princess is awake!" Olette exclaimed, seeing Effie fluttering her eyelids.

Effie looked around her trying to work out where she was and soon realised she was in the Wesley Incorporated offices. It was deserted and pitch-black outside. She felt a pinch as she noticed a tube going into her arm. She heard a machine bleep next to her as she started to feel panicked; a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. "What is that?" she asked, looking at the black liquid pouring through the tube and into her body.

Olette smiled and tucked Effie's hair behind her ears, "it is to bind us together my dear. We are family after all."

Effie turned her nose up at her, "that is stupid."

Olette slapped her face, making a red mark appear on Effie's cheek, "don't be smart with me young lady. It is so if Ace or anyone tries anything they won't be able to hurt me because anything that happens to me will happen to you... Get it?"

Effie felt her cheek throb as she blinked away her tears in shock. Olette brushed her fingers over the red mark she had left on Effie's cheek. "Now Effie, we were told by your dear brother that you have your mother's necklace. Now we need the potion within the amulet on that necklace, where is it?" she asked calmly, speaking to her like a little girl.

Effie could feel the heaviness of it around her neck and looked at Olette confused, "what?"

Olette huffed, "the necklace Effie, where is it?"

Effie shrugged, "I don't know what you mean."

Olette's eyes filled with rage and she grabbed Effie's throat, making sure she could only just breathe, "don't be smart with me Effie, I am not in the mood. Nyx said you didn't take it off but I don't see it anywhere so where is it?" she snarled.

Effie tried to form some words but nothing was coming out, only just being able to breathe with Olette's grip tightening around her neck. Olette let go and got out her phone, feeling irritated. She dialled a number and held it to her ear, staring at Effie as she did so. Someone answered and Olette pierced her eyes at Effie. "Do it. He lied", she instructed whoever was on the other side of the phone.

Effie's eyes widened, "do what? What are you doing? OLETTE!"

Olette smirked as she moved the phone away from her ear and put it on loudspeaker, holding it towards Effie. Effie stared at the phone as she heard someone breathing heavily.

"No, no, no, what are you doing? Hey! What are you doing?" she heard Nyx shout.

Effie looked at Olette, "please, what are you doing to him? Stop!", she cried, her eyes welling up with tears. "Please, Olette, I'll do anything. Don't hurt him."

Olette stood there watching Effie's face crumble as she heard Nyx shout and scream through the phone. "Please..." she stuttered, "stop hurting him."

It was no use. It had already been decided. "Effie... stop... listening..." Nyx whispered, struggling to breathe as Nidaw put the phone to his lips.

Effie screamed. "Nooo", she sobbed, "stop... Nyx! Please Olette... stop please!"

Effie stared at the phone, hearing Nyx draw his last few breaths. Her eyes flooded with tears as her head dropped, her whole world crashing down around her. Her cheeks stained with the guilt that he had died because of her. She had no idea how Olette couldn't see her necklace; she would have given it away in a heartbeat if she had known it would have saved her brother's life.

Olette turned the call off and threw the phone on the table. "See what you did!", she spat.

Effie looked up at her, anger spurting from every inch of her face, "you did that. You evil, twisted psychopath." The rage beat in her heart as she tore off the rope holding her to the chair and flung herself at Olette. But Olette had experience on her side and threw Effie off her, pinning her to the ground. 

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