Chapter 17

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"Right, you ready? I'm going to try help you."

Effie looked at him unimpressed. They had discharged her from the hospital relatively quickly but Ace was treating her like a deranged lunatic, not taking his eyes off her for a second. Everyone had been in shock for days after they had heard the news about Rita's murder, although they were calling it a suicide, but after tears had been shed and the shock had started to wear off the hospital had no reason to keep Effie any longer, her wounds completely healed in record time and her levels all looking in top condition. No one was allowed back in the office for a couple of weeks whilst the police did a thorough search, making sure they hadn't missed anything untoward. Steve had been notified along with the rest of the employees and Effie herself had made a call to check in on Rita's family, feeling as devastated as they were at the horrific news.

Effie batted Ace's hand away, pulling herself out the car. "Please, I'm fine. You have got to stop treating me like I am a child."

Ace backed away, holding his hands in the air, "my bad Miss."

Effie laughed, pushing his hands down and standing right in front of him on her tip toes. "You are so annoying sometimes. Many people might see you as some scary, powerful, mysterious man but deep down you are really such a softy", she teased.

He kissed her nose, "shh, don't tell anyone. They might start treating me differently."

Effie shook her head as she pushed him away and walked up the stairs to her flat. She stopped at the top, holding her hand out to the wall for stability as she caught her breath. Ace stopped behind her, "are you okay?" he asked, concerned.

Effie nodded. "Yep. I got it." She stood up and walked towards her flat door, grabbing her keys from her bag and opening it, worried about what surprise was in store for her this time after being away for a week. She picked up the wad of post on the floor and walked into the kitchen, dropping her handbag on the floor in the hallway.

Ace put her things in her bedroom and walked into the living room to join her, slumping tiredly into the worn looking sofa. He felt his pocket as something dug into his side like a knife. He pulled out the necklace, completely forgetting the nurse giving it to him after his first visit to the hospital. "Where did you get that?" Effie asked, pausing in the hallway.

Ace looked guilty for not giving it to her sooner but didn't get the chance to say as she stormed over and snatched it from him, carefully placing her fingers over the amethyst amulet in her hand. "That wasn't yours to keep, it was my mother's!" she said irately.

Ace's phone buzzed making Effie look over suspiciously, "got somewhere to be?" she asked, raising her eyebrows at him as she put the necklace on.

Ace took his phone out his other pocket and laughed as he read the message on the screen. "Nope, just Alistair reminding me about our boxing class later. I've told him numerous times I'm not going..."

Effie sat up, swinging her legs round to put her feet on the sofa and face him, "what? Why are you not going?"

Ace shrugged, "I said I wouldn't leave you, so I'm not gonna pick up the first thing that comes up to leave you on your own."

Effie smirked, "I have other friends Ace, but anyway, why couldn't I just come with you?"

Ace narrowed his green eyes at her and raised an eyebrow, "you... boxing? I don't think so."

Effie hit his arm, "hey! I could give you a run for your money. I may have got into some fights as a teenager in school."

Ace smirked, grabbing her under her arms and lifting her onto his lap and tickled her, "oh yeah, try me."

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